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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. NEW! Why choose one when you can have them all? With this feature we really don't even have to worry about copyright etc., as the notification sounds can now be customized at the individual level. I've added a new default "coin" sound, and you (yes, you!) can change the sound to whatever you want if you prefer a different sound! Just go to the "Manage Notification Sound" link in the main navigation and you can upload any file you like: You can also go to any user's profile page (including your own) to see what notification sound they are using: If you click the 3 dots to the right of the audio player, you can download the file that user is using, and use it yourself! I WILL caution that if you choose to use something blatantly inappropriate, it will be removed if reported as well as your ability to customize your sounds. Use your best judgement in this regard. If you have any questions or run into any issues, let us know in this thread.
  2. I've enabled a cool (I think) feature... You can now go to anybody's profile and listen to (and download!) the notification sound they are using:
  3. Maybe I should just Wata my shit and get the fuck out.
  4. I actually added a totally custom system - you can choose your own sound, in addition to the new default sound. Can some folks test it out?
  5. I don't like Sonic, so the sonic ring sound is just automatically out of the running.
  6. The moment I can afford something, the price skyrockets. If you wanna invest in games just look at the list of games I'm interested in.
  7. *begins searching for Boogerman sound bites*
  8. DING! I don't actually have an audio file for the default noise. It's the default!
  9. That's what I've been saying for years, they won't listen!
  10. I've done a bit of looking, and have found a few no-copyright-infringement sounds that I thought might fit well for notifications on here. I've attached them here, give em a listen and let me know if any sound good to you. Alternatively, you could provide a totally different sound file and if others like it (and it infringes upon no copyrights), then we could use that. Alternatively alternatively, somebody could throw their hat into the ring and MAKE us our own unique sound, if anyone feels like doing so. Open to ideas and discussion! little_robot_sound_factory_Pickup_03.mp3 little_robot_sound_factory_Collect_Point_01.mp3 little_robot_sound_factory_Collect_Point_00.mp3
  11. $3,325 *confetti flies into the air* Game Day has come and gone, and a few more donations have trickled in, and things have settled down. As the year comes closer and closer to a close I just wanted to toss another quick message cuz this is seriously on my mind regularly lately. I just feel lucky to be surrounded by such giving people. My own life has somewhat mirrored the progress I've made on Extra Life. There were years where I was having trouble IRL, and those years tended to go poorly, or required some serious extra work to reach the goals. This year, despite covid and everything else, went so smoothly, and we collectively demolished the $2,250 goal by a whole extra half. I just feel super blessed to have all the supportive folks on VGS (and in my professional life) lending your hard earned money to the cause. In a year where ostensibly everyone should probably be pinching their pennies in the face of the unknown, the donations sky rocketed. I'm just super thankful, and wanted to say thanks, again. You all rock, seriously.
  12. Have any of you played on the Switch specifically? I'm a little worried about lag - I've been playing Sakuna and have found that some cutscenes especially can be laggy.
  13. Has anyone played the Ori series extensively? Any thoughts on it? I've heard some great things but you folks here are my litmus test for quality. Considering picking up the Collector's Edition cuz it looks gorgeous but I want to be sure if I can that it'll be a series I can really get into.
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