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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Uncharted was a really great revival of the Tomb Raider style. Uncharted 2 perfected it. 3 and 4 were just trying to feed off the cow's teet.
  2. I'd have it no other way, personally. Demon's Souls is a perfect game. Perfect.
  3. Yeah nah, this is a bit too close to straight up naming and shaming. Let's not encourage toxicity around here. There's an ebay seller, etc. thread. That's about as close as we should really be on that.
  4. I want what you guys are smoking if you think that case looks good.
  5. There's always next year! Thanks for the donation man, really appreciate it!
  6. No matter which way things go, neither will ever be MY president!
  7. I set one up to be automatically added but it was apparently buggy. Might have to suck it up and make it manual, but I've been quite busy lately.
  8. I've not seen it in forever, but I don't recall liking it.
  9. People are calling him great, but in the form of a question. Like in the game show.
  10. Thanks so much to everyone who was able to join me today! I'm calling it at the 22 hour mark due to feeling nauseous; I have a hard stop at "feeling physically ill". Very happy making it 22 hours though, especially on around 6 hours of sleep the night prior. Seriously, the donations and the well wishes and the games we played together, it all means the world to me. And in the end a bunch of money goes to a great cause. With a goal of $2250, the total raised came to $2940! Absolutely insane! Of course I am taking donations until the end of the year, so if you're feeling generous every dollar counts, so please feel free to contribute. Remember too that whatever I end the year at will be the base goal for next year! Make me work hard for the money! Thank you all, and good night!
  11. Ayyyyy to wrap up: The auction has ended, and @spacepup has won, beating himself at the last second for the top spot! Seriously everyone who bid thanks so much for your interest, and Spacepup especially for your generosity. I really hope you enjoy whatever you and @CasualCart work out for your art, and know that from my end, I honestly super appreciate you both for each of your parts in this. Your support truly means the world to me.
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