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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. 4.5 hours in so far, doing well! Playing Mario Sunshine for the first time ever and enjoying it so far! Come say hi.
  2. Liiiiiiiiiive! https://twitch.tv/glovesoffgames
  3. Just over half an hour to go until Game Day 2020 starts! Like a kid on Christmas I dragged my sleepy ass out of bed and am now prepping myself mentally and physically for the marathon ahead. I've got everything set up, so now I have to... Decide what to play first lol. Probably something slow and easy to wake up a bit.
  4. We're not having a discussion about what is and isn't offensive, this is the Limited Run Games thread. This isn't the forum for discussing what is and isn't offensive, and it's not the forum for haphazardly using slurs like that (whether you think it is or not). This simply isn't a discussion, and it's over now. Further derailing of the thread will be official warnings.
  5. Just to be clear, it's 100% a racial slur and not allowed here. @avatar! sums it up perfectly - this is not the place for that. Be respectful of those around you.
  6. The only issue is I don't have a PS5 preorder.
  7. It's not a joke, and really just a reminder that he never wanted democracy in the first place.
  8. My wife and I watched Friday the 13th Part 3 the other day and noticed that multiple people on different occasions used the restroom and got up without wiping at all; no camera cuts or anything, just straight from shitting to standing, pulling up their pants, and then walking around. The first guy even had actual shitting sound effects if I recall correctly.
  9. I was worried for a second there that the underlined "Constantly" was a link to a photo. Disclaimer: this is not a call to action to post a photo.
  10. Ah yes, the alternative to fresh clean water - shove your hand up your ass with a bit of easily torn paper and just sorta smudge the shit around.
  11. Looks like something is up with making images bigger than their physical max. I'll look into it... eventually.
  12. I'll update the 1st post with more info if I remember anything else that needs added, but for now that's it! Feel free to ask any questions you might have, or otherwise make a bid! Thanks again to you all for the continued support!
  13. STOP! AUCTION TIME! *cue MC Hammer* This year as a fun treat for my Extra Life charity fundraising, our good friend @CasualCart has graciously offered up his services as an artiste for the cause! If you want more info on Extra Life and my fundraising in general, check the main thread here: Current High Bid Amount: $155 Bidder: Spacepup Details at a Glance Here's the quick 'n' dirty of it: WHAT: The winner of the auction will work with CasualCart for him to create a custom digital piece for you There are stipulations which I will go into further below, read on if you plan to bid! WHEN: Begins immediately upon this thread going live Ends Saturday November 7th @ 9pm EST WHERE: Right here in this thread! HOW: Simply post in this thread how much you want to bid You can bid more than once if you are outbid or if you simply wish to put up more money for charity Bidding will start at $5! Any new bids need to be higher than the current highest or they won't be counted, simply ignored! Bidding will end RIGHT at 9pm EST, new bids will not extend the auction at all, it will be simple: the highest bid when the clock strikes 9 is the winner DO NOT EDIT YOUR BIDS; if you want to change your bid, make a new post with the new number. Don't worry about double posts. Getting Deeper Here are the full rules, guidelines, stipulations, all that jazz: What you're bidding on You are bidding on a custom piece done by @CasualCart. If you've not seen his work before I'd first suggest coming up for air every so often from your underground lair; beyond that, if you click on his name there you can check his posts, many of which contain character art he's done here on the forum. In fact, the artwork in my main Extra Life thread was done by CasualCart! Very cool. There are a few stipulations that Cart will be following, and I'd ask that you respect them: Any sort of character drawing (multiple characters in the same drawing are fine too, within reason) Rated-G artwork only No copyright infringement (any trademarked characters must be altered for "fair use", meaning a highly transformative piece, like mashups or parody) Only digital copies available; physical/original artwork will not be mailed out If you'd like a physical print, I'd say chat w/ Cart about it; suffice it to say that that is beyond the scope of this auction Why you're bidding Well I mean... you've seen this guy's work, right? It's pretty cool to get something custom made, whether it's for a desktop background, a forum avatar, or what have you. Beyond the art itself, of course this is for charity - your donations really do go a long way to help kids in need, especially given the current state of the world. I've been doing this for 8 years now and the generosity of my friends (yes, you!) has blown me away time and again. Where does the money go? Every single penny will go straight to Sick Kids through Extra Life. When the auction ends I will officially declare the winner and will PM that person. I'll ask that you make your donation directly to Extra Life; no money will go through my hands personally, you are committing simply to make a donation to Extra Life through my fundraising page. A cool benefit of doing this that way is that by you donating directly to Extra Life yourself, it is tax deductible - you will receive tax info for a credit in the future from Extra Life themselves, something you'd be foregoing if you chose to have me make the donation on your behalf. You are able to pay through Extra Life using a credit card directly, or through PayPal, or Amazon Pay. If despite the above you'd personally prefer to pay your bid to me for one reason or another, I am happy to do so, despite the above. I would in that case ask that you PayPal me the funds and I will donate on your behalf. Note that doing so would forfeit any tax benefits, etc..
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