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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I sold my AVS basically the moment I got confirmation on the Analog NT Mini. I've not been very happy with the console or the controllers from them. Sold all of it. If you want leaderboards honestly I'd say just make a thread like I had with shmups on NA. Make rules per game, require photos like the contests. At the least it'd be far easier to participate, and far more accessible (anyone can participate, not just PEO'LE with a specific console).
  2. The scoreboard is completely dead, as far as I'm aware. I don't imagine it ever coming here, and frankly I don't think it's a big loss. Nobody used it. I bought an AVS solely to compete on the leaderboard, and was hugely disappointed in how it functioned, the lack of games available, and the lack of people bothering to use it (likely due in large part to a combination of my first two gripes). A novel idea, but not one that I miss at all.
  3. Keep in mind that the folks doing this remake are the same who did the Shadow of the Colossus remake. I am pretty confident this will be amazing.
  4. As long as it's faithful to the original, as it's one of my favorite games ever.
  5. Are you trying to imply that not everyone fell instantly in love with the Gungans in Phantom Menace?
  6. Yo I'll draw you as many Link drawings as you want.
  7. Y'all should get on the discord chat. T_T
  8. He was also an Extraordinary Gentleman. And an archaeologist.
  9. Limes rock. I've legit considered getting a lime tree.
  10. Bro it's gonna cost $40 for some chips.
  11. How DARE they move along with the rest of the world! They should be ONLY releasing NES games! SHAME!
  12. Are you proposing shipping chips to the US?
  13. I got in the mood and I'm playing Silent Hill 2. Bit by bit, as I am a scaredy cat; I love horror games cuz they make me feel something, but man I get so wimpy lol.
  14. Nice, I know two songs from these guys, probably the two common ones. I like the songs, but have never sat and listened to a full album or anything.
  15. I'd love to participate but it might be a bit odd.
  16. More like LOSER PADS! Come back when you have a MAN'S stick.
  17. What kind of crazy person uses a dpad for a fighting game?
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