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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Gloves


    Candy corn is pure ambrosia.
  2. Bro have you not played shmups on the PS2? Are you insane?
  3. PS3 does the PS2 games dirty by and large, speaking from experience.
  4. The OG Xbox is region locked, yes. I never had one so not sure about boot discs etc., but probably.
  5. Yeah that sounds reasonable enough. So if: Getting unemployment is easy given the circumstances Even without unemployment, those who had to keep working received a reasonable 2 months of stimulus You don't have to pay rent for the duration of the lieu period (2 months in our example) Small businesses received a similarly appropriate stimulus (no examples from experience provided so far, let's assume) Then surely that's reasonable enough to get the American people to work together to beat this thing, sit at home for the duration, and kick it's ass, right? The government had you all covered. Unless... people were selfish and went and spent the stimulus on video games. But surely that'd not happen... that'd be... ridiculous.
  6. Yeah see that's weird. By what logic is $570 supposed to carry you through 2 months? I suppose they're thinking that since you made more you must have a bunch saved up to weather a storm, or something.
  7. So follow up, has anyone here received the aid from the CARE Act? If so what exactly was provided? My understanding was that in the States you all just got a cheque for like $1200 or something.
  8. I'm saying it'd not be so bad to shut down and DEAL with the problem of transmission, if people weren't worried about their lives being destroyed by it. Imagine if the narrative was more like "Hey everyone, we're going to shut it all down for 2 months, but don't worry - you'll be paid a fair wage for your time, rent will be paused (handled by the stimulus), and small businesses similarly will be taken care of. Please sit back, relax, and we'll ride through this together".
  9. Businesses didn't HAVE to shut down due to this. It's simplifying a fair bit, but all the government really had to do was to prioritize small businesses and individuals who actually needed it when handing out a stimulus, rather than handing money out to their friends and family. If the rich weren't fucking us all so thoroughly, maybe people wouldn't be so prone to thoughts of helplessness and eventually suicide.
  10. I realize I CAN go outside, obviously, but come on - that would be idiotic. And no, the numbers don't just do what they do, what they do is in direct correlation to how people behave.
  11. All I'm saying is that this is a double-edged sword - YOUR risk tolerance should not impact how I live MY life. Everyone being all willy-nilly about it is spiking the numbers and KEEPING me indoors, I don't even GET the choice. How is that fair?
  12. Yeah the amount of time thing seems pretty weird, not sure what logic that's following. Agreed completely there. Frankly I wish they'd give reasoning behind these things along with it. Maybe there's something to the 2 hours (or other things) that we're just not aware of. Like maybe a study was done and it was determined that that's how long it takes to permeate the area or something. I dunno, just making something up that sounds like it makes sense. They could stand to take the guess work out of this stuff a bit better.
  13. This is unfortunately my reality due to my asthma. My doctor has advised me to stay indoors or I run the risk of dying to the virus. I don't know that I'd say it's because I'm "afraid", so much as just not willing to risk my life on the assumption that people are being smart about it themselves.
  14. Because your risk tolerance directly impacts my chances of survival.
  15. People aren't allowed to be at the bedside of their dying loved ones. Who gives a damn about Thanksgiving?
  16. I have to disagree w/ the sentiment that consoles "just work". I had an absolutely terrible experience with the PS4, overall. Absolute worst console Sony has put out BY FAR. And the XBOne wasn't much better either. And beyond that, consider that just about everyone (myself included) has experienced drift on their Switch Joycons. I'm far too tired right now to go into detail suffice it to say that I've not been happy with this gen of consoles at all, with the exception of a few specific games.
  17. I was hoping this wouldn't get out, but looks like we've been caught boys. Time to shut 'er down. *runs away with all the sub money*
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