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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. FYI if you're hoping to make a new Price Charting / GVN, chances are you'll be entirely unable to regardless of any effort put in on your part.
  2. The two together really suck, I can tell you that much.
  3. Why on earth would they tape the cart to a fuckin thank you card in the first place?
  4. Yeah I saw that. Tbh I could actually see GoCollect getting access - they're a registered company with a track record in price tracking (they have a comic book API). Frankly, and no offence - I could see them not giving a shit about it when you had issues cuz you were one dude with an app that likely wasn't raking in the cash for them compared to full-on businesses. It IS shitty, it's completely unfair to folks like yourself, and it's a big reason I've never bothered to make anything myself along those lines.
  5. That makes more sense. So at the least any such tracking site will have some work to do, and may or may not have some downtime. Since the new one looks to give a range of up to the last 90 days, that's technically plenty of time to re-arrange the code to pull from the new API and backfill.
  6. My wife and I are pretty into scary movie night for Halloween so I might miss this one.
  7. Yes. Really this primarily hurts the users, honestly. Serious dick move on eBay's part. Expect GVN to carry on, but to focus solely on graded prices through heritage. Really this is good for them; they get to focus on JUST their primary demographic, while passing full blame on to eBay. Like I say this really only sucks for us, the users. And primarily we, the actual game collectors. The investors and speculators will lose nothing.
  8. To give you a general idea: This section has a number of customizations that I have made myself. The little separator lines, the size of the icons, the "#### exp" being beside the "+####", and some other minor tweaks. This requires changing 5 files to make it all come together. I have to do that on both themes, but when colors etc. come into play, I have to be specific about it. So you can imagine the amount of work just in that one little area, making it work and look nice on both themes. Just installing a theme won't work - the site will look completely differenton the new theme. I don't want to throw away the work I've done, nor do I want to just download a theme and say "sorry, no can do" to any future customizations. I want to be able to serve both equally. I just need to find the time to sit and get dark mode up to speed.
  9. They use a different theme; you'll notice their dark theme is VERY different from their main theme. They bought the theme from https://www.ipsfocus.com/. I'd much prefer that we work toward parity between our light and dark themes. I've made a number of customizations to both and I think they look preeeetty similar. It's just that at this point it's legit a bit broken because of the last big update to invision. The original dark theme simply hasn't updated to 4.5 so it's not working 100% on the back end. Anywho; I have a few potential solves, it's simply that I have been busy and it is a bit of work. I'll have to sit down and work on it.
  10. I just went in and added a fix. I might be able to salvage this theme if I take ownership over it (i.e. separate it from the base from the marketplace). I may as well at this point, considering the amount of work I've had to do on it already anyway.
  11. Frustratingly, the dark mode theme seems to have STILL not updated to version 4.5, which is required for it to work properly. To be frank, supporting two themes is tough; I have to make changes in both places, and since Dark Mode is based on a separate theme, I have to do double duty on it especially. I'm considering either finding a new dark theme template, or making my own from scratch (which would be no small undertaking).
  12. Alas, I've no direct control over the IDs. Only hack there would be to make new entries for shirts, and then go back and cancel all existing shirt orders, and reassign them to the new shirts. Painful.
  13. I'd like to try and resolve the automatic approach before resorting to manual efforts. But yes, in due time if that fails then we can do it manually. It'd actually be easy for me to get a list of people who should have it.
  14. Sigh. Yeah I dunno what's up, but the criteria for buying a shirt that I explicitly set up for this purpose, for some reason, seems to give to to specific people despite having never bought a shirt. For some behind the scenes, it's technically simple logic (the following is example code I just wrote here on the fly to demonstrate): const user = { purchases: [ { id: 123, item: 2 } ] }; let purchaseFound = false; for(var i = 0; i < user.purchases.length; i++) { if (user.purchases[i].item == 1 || user.purchases[i].item == 2 || user.purchases[i].item == 4 || ) { purchaseFound = true; break; } } if (purchaseFound) { awardBauble(); } Basically if the user has purchased one of the shirts (IDs in the database are 1, 2, and 4), then award them the Bauble. It LOOKS like it was giving it to people who were subscribed, SPECIFICALLY under tiers 1, 2, and 4, which leads me to believe that the logic behind this "user has purchased" function is flawed and is checking against both systems somehow. That definitely shouldn't be happening, but I'd not necessarily doubt it. I'm going to look into it a bit further, but frankly worst case we go back to the stone age and hand them out manually. One way or another people will get this site award, it's just a matter of "can I make this easier on myself for the long run?".
  15. I added a video in my last reply to make sure it's clear how it works.
  16. I use Chrome on desktop. anyone else seeing this at the top of the website all of the sudden - Page 3 - Everything Else - Video Game Sage - Google Chrome 2020-10-23 01-35-02.mp4
  17. One of the best things about pc vs console is the whole backwards compatibility issue hardly exists at all. I can easily download and play a game form the 90s in minutes on my newly built pc. And everything in between. AND if you wanna be a bit devious, basically ALL the console games too. Strictly speaking to gaming, it's hardly a contest.
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