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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I don't wanna be THAT guy but... have you considered reaching out to Wata to ask? I don't know that anyone here has any actual idea what they'd do if presented with a 10/10 CIB. PRESUMABLY in order to get that you'd basically need a 10/10 sealed game, send it to them, and be like "yo, unseal this then slab it" for them to be confident in them not opening it to check the insides.
  2. Is it there for you now? @Mae247 This usually can happen when a plugin on the site is acting up. Usually I fix it once I see it pretty quick.
  3. The question was simply "is it possible" and the answer is demonstrably "yes". Incredibly rare is not impossible. I wonder if you sent them a 10/10 unopened CIB and said "do not open if doing so will impact the grade as this has never been opened", they'd presume that the contents are in fact 10 as well, or say "sorry but that goes against our process".
  4. 10 exists on their scale, and they have photo references for it, so presumably it is possible. https://www.watagames.com/what-we-do/wata-scale
  5. Baby spinach, yeah. You can sub in arugula or kale. That'll be the goat cheese. The orange bits are butternut squash, and there's caramelized onions underneath it all. Plus, of course, chopped garlic. I also made a side salad. The whole meal was vegetarian, naturally.
  6. Xbox got Spawn, and PS2 got... Heihachi. PS2 was supposed to get Cloud, but the deal fell through.
  7. I played this game on PS4 when it first released and hated it. There's certainly some good strategy deep down, but it's a slog, and it's often unfair for the sake of it. There are however some hardcore strategy fans that love it, and while they seem crazy to me maybe they know something I don't. Hopefully you can find some enjoyment in it.
  8. This isn't the thread for that discussion.
  9. Yeah thanks, looking forward to more game nights!
  10. I've removed some offensive content. Leaving the threads up though, as they contain information regarding the games in question. To be clear: The data-driven information provided is great. Attacking people is not.
  11. That's what he means, N64 games. If we're delving outside of the North American releases into Japanese, then why not go all the way and include the other regions? If you want the true rarest N64 release, period, you're not like to find it in either North American or Japanese releases.
  12. I dunno how rare it is; as FC said I'd prob want someone like @OptOut to weigh in on what might be rarer. There's some folks on here that have stupid amounts of niche knowledge that really makes me question their humanity. Something else you should be aware of: Anyone can make a wikipedia article, or edit an existing one Most articles on sites like that are just people hopping on Wikipedia for their content, and spicing it up with their own verbiage All it could take, thus, for some misinformation to become "common knowledge" is for someone to make a wiki article about something and suddenly it's "the truth". Not that I am saying that those articles or the wiki article are wrong per se, but you came here asking if the game is rare. If however you came here to ask "is this the rarest game on N64" and are going to defend that it is so when told otherwise, it starts to feel a bit more like advertising the game you're tossing on HA to get the word out than actual truth-seeking.
  13. Do be aware that literally anyone can write an article on the internet, and Vice in particular isn't exactly the bastion of video game truth.
  14. Final Fantasy for the NES was my first RPG. I don't suppose any of the monsters in the game might inspire you? There's the classic Imp which is the first enemy you'll see: Creeps have an interesting almost lovecraftian aesthetic: Slime/Ooze has a somewhat unique style for the time:
  15. I'm aware of the difference in quality, I only meant step as in a literal step, percentile increases be damned. When talking about a step of difference the question needs to be asked "is it worth it" and if referential quality is important to you. Like is it $200 worth it kinda deal, to play a bunch of games I've never played before and so lack the nostalgia factor for. There might be a handful of games as best that I'd actually play on a TG16, and of those maybe 3 to 5 that will really wow me, let's be real. Is that worth a $200 investment, is the real question, as I have no personal reference to how it's supposed to "feel" for that console.
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