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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Lists a bunch of original snes games, among the greatest games of all time. Follows it with a list of GBA games that were ported to it from other systems, half of which originated on the snes. Bro you answered your own question.
  2. I had it as a kid, but it was stolen along with a bunch of my other games years ago.
  3. Yeah I'd wanna play Payday on PC. Imagine playing an FPS on console lmao.
  4. I always wanted to get into Payday 2, but never had a group to play with. I'd be down to play if we can get a crew together.
  5. Gloves


    All must-plays, too. Pretty big fail there, Sony. For shame.
  6. Great game for sure. I've always wanted to try the sequel but somehow I just can't ever find a decent copy at a decent price.
  7. You've just gotten used to it. Like how we used to think the controls on Goldeneye were good. You've been lied to my friend.
  8. Count me in, last time was a blast. I'll have to not spend the ENTIRE night playing this time though. It was TOO fun! xD
  9. I'd love to see you do Dino Riki. Maybe somehow include his BUFF mode:
  10. I played a few rounds handheld. I feel like I suck, but at the same time, it damn near had me making a new thread titled "Joy Cons suck as controllers" or something. The precision of control is just garbage, after years of using Playstation controllers.
  11. View Advert PS3 Demon's Souls CE New/Sealed Looking to pick up a New & Sealed copy of Demon's Souls Deluxe Edition on PS3. If you have a copy please send me photos and let me know how much you want for it. Advertiser Gloves Date 10/09/2020 Price Category WTB  
  12. Are you trying to tell me you open your games after putting them in their plastic coffins?
  13. See the sad thing is everyone is gonna think this is pandemic hair. I had started growing it prior to the pandemic and was planning on letting it grow long for the first time ever. It just HAPPENED to end up coinciding with a once in a century global crisis.
  14. BRB, registering SNESage.com
  15. Just to reiterate, Hades is really fun/addicting. I honestly don't play much on console lately, but I've put a decent chunk of time into this game.
  16. How on earth is VGS a "cesspool" of negativity?
  17. What kind of game is it?
  18. It feels like there are a LOT of homebrews coming out. Maybe it's that there are more people making it, or maybe it's this handy thread bringing it to top of mind. Either way, thanks for maintaining this.
  19. Something something douche or turd something.
  20. Please use the actual spoiler tags. I've edited the OP to use it.
  21. Just wanted to let everyone know that the majority of these have been shipped out. They will take a bit to get to people outside of the US (I've yet to receive mine! ), but I see some folks are already receiving theirs in the States. There are a few orders yet to be shipped that have come in today/yesterday, but the rest are out and on their way!
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