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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Wet/Dry World or whatever it's called might well be my LEAST favorite level, because it felt the most like a strictly "game level", rather than one that might serve some purpose in the Mario world. Most or maybe even ALL other levels felt like PLACES, whereas this level has seemingly pointless structures meant strictly for platforming from one place to the other. It's ODD that it's literally a box. And while other levels are not completely devoid of random floating blocks, this level seems almost entirely comprised of them. Of all the levels I feel that it's the worst designed. It's theme... exists... in that you turn on and off water, basically. So yeah wet/dry. It feels like they made a platforming course and forgot to skin it.
  2. I think, oddly enough, that the desert level in 64 is my favorite level. It always felt mysterious to me, and I liked that you could go in the pyramid. Like MOST levels in the game, it's actually quite small compared to what we see these days, but it felt like they packed a fair bit of value into it.
  3. We've added more stock to the store! Another 50 have been added.
  4. Yep. There are a few left though so feel free to get one now if you're so inclined.
  5. @neodolphino can better speak to the whole picture, but it's a homebrew. The dev originally made it on the MSX in (I believe) 1991. He's since ported it to the Famicom, and now Neo has his blessing to release it in the west on NES!
  6. You sure you wanna share your... address...? @docile tapeworm
  7. Paypal only; in ~4 minutes I will be adding stock to it. There's a link in the OP.
  8. Lol I don't need to advertise this place, it's fuckin' BUMPIN'.
  9. We are pleased to announce that IN ONE HOUR FROM NOW(!) we will be offering 50 copies of Haradius Zero by Impact Soft for the NES in the official VGS Store!!! The game is on the store now, and stock will be added at 6pm EST today. Our own @neodolphino is handling this release, bringing the game to you all the way from Japan! It's important to note that he has himself worked closely with the original developer to bring this game to us on NES! Proceeds from the sale will be going to the dev, with a small kickback to VGS's "keep the site running" coffers. This will be a phased release, with 50 available today, and 50 more being added tomorrow (and more after that, TBD). You can see some gameplay in this random youtube video I found just now:
  10. It's actually REALLY impressive that it does. The guy who made it made it solo, and he's disabled, such that he actually codes the site using voice assisted typing. He talks at his computer to type in the code. This shit is part of why I'm SO dedicated to accessibility, I love this tool and if this guy didn't have the tools needed to allow him to work on it it'd just not exist. He's actually working on some MAJOR updates right now, too. Really exciting stuff on the way for it. Anyway, back to GVN.
  11. Check out Backloggery if you want more in-depth tracking, note-taking/reviews, etc.. It's what I use, but I don't really care about the "value" of my collection, only tracking what I have and haven't beaten.
  12. Yeah the "Gamers" bit is still there @Nintegageo:
  13. That's something I always hated with the name changes, was when there was original material that we're all gonna miss out on cuz we don't know it exists. It'd have been cool as a kid knowing that there was more material available out there if you were a fan. But yeah UN Squadron is a pretty damn dull name, for sure.
  14. If it helps, the game was originally Area 88, and was changed to UN Squadron in the west. It's based on the Area 88 manga.
  15. If I recall, that WAS an option on the collection tracker. I never used it cuz I track via Backloggery, but I seem to remember there being a very basic "I have beaten this game" kinda checkbox.
  16. FF Legend is perfect as is and you're a monster for suggesting otherwise.
  17. Thought about it long and hard. I was between a 9 and a 10, with 9 being a point taken for imperfection. But this isn't about being perfect, it's about being legendary. It's fuckin' Mario 64. 10/10
  18. I have uBlock on, but noticed a black bar on the site. Inspected the code out of curiosity and saw the ad.
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