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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. You all are lucky. You see a $500 disc ps5. That's gonna be $700 for me, which is 200 more than the ps4 at launch. Feels incredibly steep at that point. I'd love one but it IS getting terribly expensive. And I already have so much I haven't played. I'll wait.
  2. You guys are talking about different things. @Bearcat-Doug wants to remove attachments that he previously added to posts. You are not able/allowed to do so and I already told him this.
  3. Feel free to let them know about us; I don't see us as competing, so I don't think we'd really be like, stealing their users or anything. TBH I'd love to see us working with other communities in the future. I don't see why we couldn't all come together and be friendly.
  4. That's a really nice doc you got there.
  5. This was kinda painful to read: "The International Arcade Museum® (IAM) and Killer List of Videogames® at Museum of the Game® is the..." That said, it's SO niche and the odds of it coming up are slim, but... maybe that's kinda what these are good for. I learned a little today, maybe someone else will in the future. I'll get it added, thanks.
  6. TBH regions are weird. But yes - to say that Canadians such as myself could use US games as "imports" is both technically true and also kinda weird. The majority of my games have come from the States. Maybe 25-50% or more of those have Canada specific versions (i.e. they have French on them, unlike the US versions). I'd consider the Canadian versions as variants though, rather than full blown different in terms of "import". But it's like... they ARE imports. Any US games I have have literally been imported to Canada. For the sake of these awards though, Canadians can't call US versions "imports". The same basic principle will apply for elsewhere as it makes sense.
  7. Update: Confirmed; this is a known issue. I'll let you know when it's updated!
  8. Hmmmm I could have sworn this used to have more features. I'll have a look and see if maybe the latest update moved it or something.
  9. For all the widely advertised licensed things we all know about there's just as many dinky little licensed things that people don't see and get totally passed on. The collect-it mania has people by the balls and it's hilarious to me. I wonder what those cereal boxes are going for nowadays.
  10. Quick reminder: you're talking about magnets.
  11. It's crazy to think that back in the day there were offers like this that had so few people send in for them that they're among the rarest collectibles today.
  12. On console yes, I use inverted y-axis aiming.
  13. The Band? Don't give people a free "out" like that. I don't have kids and I get it. It's not rocket science. In fact I'd say I don't have kids BECAUSE I get it. Shit's hard, I ain't in fo' dat.
  14. No, this would be considered "for offer".
  15. Maybe not rich per se (though some I know certainly seem to be), but I do think at least on here a lot of people do prioritize games, some even to the potential detriment of their livelihoods. What I'm saying is I think the high end of the hobby does have a "trickle down" effect on the rest of it. ALL video games going up in price isn't some random thing - certain things have happened in the hobby that has garnered interest from previously disinterested parties. More people want games now than ever, and more and more are getting into retro collecting. We even have kids taking an interest, not that they're necessarily buying the games up themselves. I know on here we actually have a relatively decent amount of teens, even if they're not particularly active. Kids these days, despite being brought up largely in a digital only kinda world, seem oddly interested in preservation. It'll be interesting to see how the now-teens feel about NES games etc. in the years to come. FRANKLY I'm surprised to not have seen more stories about people LOSING their massive collections due to wildfires in the States and the like, but there's still time (are they still going?), and perhaps a discussion for another time.
  16. The people who already had money have more now. Gotta spend it on something, may as well be on nostalgia.
  17. Fighting Scalpers coming this holiday season for the NES! *insert cool drawing of scalpers literally fighting with baseball bats and chains in a parking lot*
  18. Xenogears only got half the usual time cuz they only delivered half a game. Ayyyyyy!
  19. Wow. Yeah nvm; forgot not to talk about teachers with you. Moving on.
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