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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. This is true of basically any job ever.
  2. No physical release in sight, but fyi Hades is incredibly fun, and a damn decent challenge. Rogue-like fans, it's a must have.
  3. Lol. I consider myself something of a cook, so I actually eat pretty well. Mostly vegetarian though.
  4. Lmao. Yeah I've been married for... 8 years now. Still living that nerd life though. Represent!
  5. Wife comes back tomorrow from her trip, so today is the last day to really go all out on meat for dinner. So... Steaks and mashed potatoes.
  6. Added all these, and agreed re: the last point.
  7. FYI the Suggestions & Feedback section is for feedback regarding VGS, not for general stuff like this. Moved to Everything Else section.
  8. Custom characters whenever I'm able to make them look just like me.
  9. It's been confirmed that Backwards Long Jump doesn't work on Mario 64 on Switch. This means that (for now, maybe forever) Mario 64 on Switch will be completely different from the original with regard to speedrunning and skips in general.
  10. Exactly. I've seen a few of people asking if their sealed game was an original seal, that's been about it so far. Not getting pinned isn't like some shameful thing or anything, we do appreciate both the thread and your suggestion, so definitely don't feel like it's wasted breath. There's just reasons it's not a sticky at this time. I'd still love to see more content like this, it's very helpful.
  11. Most people who come to forums with a question don't bother looking manually for an answer. Heck most don't even use the search option. If we saw a lot of people here asking if their GBA games were real it might be a stick, but for now it is not.
  12. Rather than a pin, I've moved it to the Guides section. This forum moves more slowly in general. If you wanted to do a couple of these for various consoles and then have a thread linking to each, I might pin that. I'd rather not pin too too much if we can help it.
  13. You might be behind a game or two eh?
  14. Only 80's gamers will remember these 10 rad GAMING FACTS!
  15. I still don't know exactly what it was about the game that didn't draw me in. I played for a good 10-15 hours, and I liked the characters and the battle system, but I dunno... maybe I just couldn't get invested in the story.
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