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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Nah, best case is that nobody has to delete anything just to conserve space/money, and right now we're not in danger of losing that, so not to worry!
  2. Try to think of shmup as a fun/funny term. Say it with a bit of an accent, or mess up the word itself and it beco on a bit of a gag. Shmip, shrimp, shump, skibidishmipbashmuh.
  3. @CasualCart over here is clearly unaware of my NES game / website. T_T
  4. PM = Private Message DM = Direct Message (They're both the same thing) YMMV = Your mileage may vary IMHO = In my honest opinion (just for your reference, in case you're listing things you don't know)
  5. I used the term acronyms just for brevity; abbreviations are also acceptable.
  6. You may notice I've already added a few of these! Very nice list, I'll get them all added!
  7. Not on your end. Dark mode has some catching up to do. T_T
  8. There are free programs available that let you change the "created date" among other things on files.
  9. Tim Horton's - Large, 1 milk & 2 sugar.
  10. It'd be easy to have it remember your preference with a cookie/localstorage.
  11. I too hate that graded is the default. It makes zero sense from a general consumer standpoint. TBH I could see that actually being a driving factor in moving a lot of people away from the service - nobody wants a whole-ass extra click EVERY time they search a game.
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