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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Back in another life. In the before time.
  2. Oh no... the eternal argument - what DOES CIB stand for? Complete In Box? Cart, Instructions, Box?
  3. There's a handy new feature on the forum where we can add acronyms to a sort of dictionary in the backend, which lets users hover over the acronym on a post to see what it stands for. Here's a prime example: VGS If you hover/click on "VGS" above, you should see a little "Video Game Sage" appear. This can help people who are new to collecting to know the acronyms we all take for granted. So here is where I ask you, the pros - what acronyms should we add to the dictionary? Obviously I can think of a bunch myself, but I figured asking you all would get me the acronyms YOU are most likely to actually be using on a day to day basis. This will make it more useful much more quickly. SO! Gimme the deets. Share some commonly used acronyms and what they stand for, and I'll add (most of) them to our dictionary.
  4. FYI this has been fixed and you should now see it under posts.
  5. I've updated the poll options a bit. You can't submit without answering all questions, that is not available, BUT I have changed it so you can now have up to 10 questions (up from 3), and for each you can have up to 30 options (up from 20).
  6. Have you tried turning it off and on again? xD
  7. There was a bug in the actual plugin itself, so I was working with the developer to get it fixed (the black area w/ white text under people who had none unlocked). It's been resolved, I've updated the plugin, and Baubles & Charms have returned! I had to remake the subscriber Baubles, but overall not too big a hassle, just a bit of waiting. Please feel free to hand out Charms again, and let me know if you run into any issues.
  8. You're actually quite close to the 3k limit. Once you hit that, they're all gone.
  9. He does align well. Dalton might be my 2nd favorite for different reasons, aligning with what @Scrobins said. I like both but Moore edges out on top for me.
  10. I love Bond so much, it's really hard to pick favorites. Moore is my favorite Bond though, that's easy.
  11. No joke sadly, just shipping would be insanely expensive, I assume. Shipping to Canada especially (versus, say, the US) has been quite high lately.
  12. Actually we don't let you sign up if you're 13 or under.
  13. That would be the answer. I can also turn off the formatting copying, but I think it'd also make copy pasting stuff like tables, etc., more difficult. I'll look into it and see if there's a better solution I can come up with.
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