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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I like the look of this. It looks amazing, and fun, and I look forward to it. BUT. I hate the setup. I always hate prequels like this (or flashbacks whatever it is they're doing to tell this story), as the climactic failure of the heroes is never a surprise. Let's take a step back in time real quick, and create an alternate dimension. I'll set it up for ya: It's 2016, and a new Hyrule Warriors game has been announced; it's this game. The presentation is a bit different, they don't say anything like "100 years ago" etc.. It's just "here's a game, here's the characters, here's their story". We get the game that's being advertised here, but the story is all told as "this is the present", no "this is what happened all those years ago", to be clear. You play this cool new Hyrule Warriors game with all these great characters, you fall in love with them, you want to see them succeed. You KNOW they will succeed, they're fuckin' Link and Zelda and their pals, obviously they will prevail. But then they don't. The 4 heroes are killed, the champion Link is lethally injured, and Zelda enters into an eternal battle with Calamity Ganon. You've failed. The game closes into the credits and plays some sad Zelda song. It fades into a cave, shows Link's face, and Zelda whispers "Link, wake up". Queue the announcement, post-credits, for Breath of the Wild, coming next year. A new Zelda main line title with a sprawling adventure across a ravaged Hyrule. You will get to travel the lands 100 years post the game you just played, see the damage wrought from the battles you just went through, see how the world has been changed by YOUR actions. You get the chance to right your wrongs, but still have to live with the deaths of your friends whom you yourself fought beside. Fuck yeah. But instead we get a "here's what happened, even though you already know". Sure we'll get the intricate details, but what SURPRISE will there be? I just can't stand this setup and it's so typical. People will tell a story and give it a BACKstory, and then later go "you know what, yeah, damn, that might have been cool to flesh out".
  2. I love how if your game is shit this is the description it gets: But otherwise you get one o' these novels: Note the SEO going on here "... most influential video game..." etc. I love also all the "this is the first X we haev EVER offered" like bro you've been selling games on your platform for less than a year. This is the first Spongebob game we've EVER sold! This is the first instance of a Spyro game on any Heritage Auction site in the history of man!
  3. That does SEEM to be the case, but I gave Phleo one and it didn't resolve. I'm gonna look into it, but for now disable while I do so.
  4. Hmmm some people have an error with Charms while others do not. Beddy intadesting.
  5. I updated the Baubles & Charms (Trophies & Medals on IPS) plugin, and it reset the styles on feedback. Plus side, the feedback info is back under our info on posts again hah.
  6. Lol I update one thing and it changes another. Ok.
  7. No worries. I need to add back the "posts by this user in this thread" plugin. When I tried earlier it didn't appear, so I may need to contact the creator to troubleshoot. The solved count is for "Questions" solved, which is a feature we're no longer using, wherein we had questions that could be "solved" by the person who posed the question "accepting" an answer from another poster. You must have solved one such question in the past. I plan to remove this counter. To answer your next question, "Why was it removed?", simply nobody was using it properly. Folks are used to using the forum in a certain way and I don't want to confuse things by having sections that don't differentiate themselves behaving differently.
  8. I see what you mean, and will definitely change it. There's a lot of subtle little things that got overwritten like this that aren't immediately apparent so thanks for pointing this out. I know something felt off but wasn't sure what, and I think this is it!
  9. I prefer what we've become to what we were, if I'm being honest. Do recall that prior to GC there was much talk of how NA was becoming quite stale and quiet. I feel we've reinvigorated the community a decent bit, especially considering how many forum are dwindling right now.
  10. OH HAH! I thought that was a price sticker. Sorry was on my phone.
  11. I only saw this recently for the first time, but I was blown away by how good it was. Happy to have finally watched it. Easily a 9/10
  12. Let's try to remember that Magus has been an NA member for years, and a good friend to many from there. Further, he was helping Hogie w/ GVN since long before GC came along, so @LeatherRebel5150's analogy is quite apt - he's just the cashier working at the place that got bought out. They let him keep his job and keep doing what he's passionate about (the site). If you're the type of person to tell the cashier to quit her only means of income because the guy that bought the place is an asshole then I dunno what to tell ya, you're being a jerk. And tbh cashier isn't even really the MOST apt thing here. We're talking about a person doing something they're passionate about. How many chances do you think the average Joe gets to say "I work on something related to video games, and those are my passion". I myself was quite happy to work with GoCollect early on; I split from them for a difference in perspective and because I put the NA community absolute top first, but make no mistake I did so only because I had another (far higher paying) job secured. I don't claim to know Magus' financial situation but I know (as he's mentioned before) that he's on the payroll. Look at the economic climate today and tell me you're comfortable telling someone who may have no other options to quit because "Comic company bad". Come on. At any rate, this is derailing. This isn't, and shouldn't be, a discussion about Magus - he really doesn't deserve any flak. This conversation is about what people perceive to be price manipulation. I can tell you from working on the code on GVN that it wasn't being manipulated while I was working on it at the least. I can tell you also that there's literally one guy working on the code today, similar to how Hogie did it - he's working in code that he didn't himself build, likely having to change it so it even works. It was all heavily bootstrapped and no disrespect to Hogie, love the guy, but DB architecture wasn't his strongest suit all those years ago when he built it. Odds are GC dude is having enough trouble keeping the site alive to be bothered manipulating prices; my honest take is that it's probably buggy as hell and he's working through it. It'd be nice to hear something of an overall status from them on their blog or something, maybe a list of goals or what have you, current issues being worked on etc.. Some manner of statement regarding this price manip accusation. We all here know that communication has not been their strong suit with interacting with the gaming community, we're pretty used to that. They tend to just sorta stay silent until there's something you might call "PR ready". Very different from say Hogie or myself. But again, they're a company, maybe they have a strict process. I can fuck up VGS and then come back and go "Hah sorry guys I'm an idiot" and we all laugh and have a go cuz we're buds. They're a company and under heavy scrutiny from this community so if they say something on here at the least they'd DEFINITELY get shit on (especially if our own user Magus does) so why would they? Anyway this has become a novel and I've had to stop playing Runescape to type it up, and exp waste is unacceptable, so I'm gonna chop it off here. Suffice it to say - if you think there's price manip happening, report it to Magus, or on the contact form on GVN. Either they fix it, or you tell everyone here "hey all, yeah they're definitely doing shady shit" and we all appreciate your hard work either way cuz you're helping this community to not get scammed.
  13. Yeah I'd not call it a silver bullet. But if a site isn't going to the minimal effort of obtaining https it just makes me wonder where security lies on their list of priorities, that's all really. If you see a cockroach at a restaurant it makes you wonder - what else is wrong with the place?
  14. Yeah, for security reasons, only https. Frankly, if a site doesn't have https, stop using it.
  15. Re: Dark mode - yep. I have to make updates to the default before I can do Dark mode. Planning to make default the parent then Dark the child. That's tech mumbo jumbo for "gimme some time gotdang".
  16. Jericho is an old man now he had no chance v. Orange. Not in a goddamn mimosa match.
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