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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I don't plan to put in any more runs, so you all know what the score to beat is.
  2. Ahhhh yes. I'm doing up the default theme before sprucing up dark mode. Second class citizens, as ever.
  3. I mean can you really blame them? TBF though, they don't say it's his first game, just his first 3D adventure.
  4. Aw, thanks! TBH I don't mind too much. I enjoy fiddling with the site. I just feel bad when I give something then TAKE IT AWAY! xD
  5. I saw these on KS and was like "VGS folks would like this" but I figured broheem might wanna be able to speak to it himself so here he is. Seems handy if you have cart only games.
  6. I hate to be that guy but you all are actually quite bad at running into asteroids.
  7. It always worries me when I make a post after pushing an update and then NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING ANYWHERE ON THE FORUM for like 5 minutes. It's like... did I break it? Am I all alone here now? Am I the only one able to post? Where have all the cowboys gone?
  8. Feedback is also... back. Few kinks to work out but you should be able to judge each other again.
  9. FYI the ability to ignore forums and subforums has been added back. I need to style the button more nicely but the functionality is back.
  10. Beat the game. I'm honestly not a big fan of it. The bosses have FAR too much health, it's more about cheesing it than actual skill. If you know how to beat each boss it's not THAT tough aside from the final boss, and even HE can be cheesed relatively easily. The game is also FAR too long. I always feel like people consider it tough cuz of all the shit all over the screen but once the grenade is upgraded it becomes a beast and really is the workhorse of your arsenal. Here's a video of me beating one of the bosses w/ the grenade weapon equipped: And here's the final boss fight: Now granted, I got incredibly lucky at the end there with the health drops. I was trying to place safe but the pressure of being on the final boss after like, the longest game on the NES aside from Back to the Future... Yeah I really don't do too hot with pressure lol. Definitely not saying it's an easy game, it's difficult for sure. But for all the wrong reasons, honestly. Score: 2,252,680
  11. Are you on phone or desktop? You're prob just not hitting shift+enter if on desktop.
  12. You could get a new android phone off contract for like a hundo. Strictly speaking it'd be miles ahead of an iPhone 4. But how on earth have I turned this into a talk about phones? Lol
  13. As a software developer I lose sleep over the knowledge that people like you exist, while as someone who cares about the environment I am thankful for you. So consider me totally neutral when I say that it's about time to move on lol. One thing I'd consider is to treat yoself, and DONATE the phone - an iphone 4 WOULD have value to certain people in certain situations. You, however, probably could stand to be a man of the present.
  14. Bro that's 10 years old. Can I like... buy you a new phone? Jesus.
  15. You're unable to download, say, chrome? If you can tell me what model phone and version of safari, I could test on my end.
  16. If you didn't DM OP the moment this thread went up, you ain't first in line! Don't worry though I'll probably cheap out cuz I just paid for an art course.
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