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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I'm going to have to rebuild much of the styles, including dark mode. I've just turned dark mode off for now cuz it got bored pretty bad unfortunately. As for what needs moved, charms and feedback are the biggest things, I'd say. The update does give us a a lot of new additional functionality and it's super nice on mobile. Just need some patience as it's a bigger lift than I was aware.
  2. I aim to get everything re-implemented, yes. I'm working with IPS to try and ensure that the data from the previous version isn't lost when updating to the latest version.
  3. Chaaaaaanges. So as you all start coming back you may notice some stuff looks and feels a bit different. That will be because it is. We've updated to the latest version of Invision and this means taking on some improvements to the site themes, as well as re-applying the applications. UNfortunately it's also a lot more work than anticipated. I've put the site back up so you all can talk again, but you'll notice a few features missing. They're still THERE, some work just needs to be done to re-apply them in this new version of the software. I'm working on it and while I don't have an ETA, it's going to be my primary focus right now. I may not be able to do much over the weekend due to holidays, so please bear with me on it. As ever, we'll continue moving forward and making this place our own. Thanks as always for your support!
  4. I had to share this with someone that's not my wife and you lot are my only friends in this godforsaken world so you'll have to do. I just love everything about this; the animation, the voice acting, the comedy, even the music is just TIGHT. I love it so much. I've watched it probably 50 or so times, it just makes me happy.
  5. Reminder - this is tomorrow. It'll happen... when I feel like it? I'm on vacation lemme alone!
  6. I saw it, but didn't have a personal opinion on it. Do what you want, SEE IF I CARE!!!
  7. Bestbuy in Canada has it for pre-order now:
  8. Crash Bandicoot doesn't have trophies broheem. But yes. It is indeed a disgrace of mine. I just never played em. I wasn't big into platformers during the PS1 era. I was more into horror, shooters, and RPGs.
  9. This may surprise you but... never played it.
  10. Well MAYBE if people didn't sell me a NON-FUNCTIONAL copy of Sunshine, and MAYBE if the Wii/U weren't GARBAGE compared to the Switch I'd not have to buy these remakes just to play them for the first time.
  11. Unless they've changed it from when I worked on it (to my knowledge they have not), they do not include games that have not been sold already. It'd be nonsensical to do so, as all it'd take for ANYONE to manipulate the values would be to post up a game at a ridiculously high price and watch it soar.
  12. Oh yeah that - I forgot! Definite buy for me.
  13. Bold and underlined cuz shit's important. A FUCKIN MARIO GAME!!!
  14. Maybe it's cuz I just woke up but I feel that wasn't clear. I'd have to watch it again.
  15. The main thing I was excited for was SMB3D All Stars, and sadly it is a "limited run" through the Nintendo eShop. Further, it only includes t he first Galaxy, not the second which most people say is better. I've not played Sunshine or Galaxy 2 (tried Galaxy 1 for an hour or two), so was looking forward to that, but I don't even know if I'll be able to get a copy. EDIT: Oh. EDITEDIT: Naturally, not here in Canada (yet). Second class as always. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  16. FYI this is not WCAG/ADA compliant: The white on yellow text is not accessible, and come Jan 2021 if GC doesn't start following WCAG guidelines they're liable to be charged A LOT of money for non-compliance. This will vary by country and indeed state in the US, but here in Ontario: "A person and unincorporated organizations can be fined up to $50,000 dollars for each day the violation continues. A corporation that does not comply can be fined up to $100,000 per day. Directors and officers of a corporation with fiduciary responsibility are liable for a fine of up to $50,000 a day." All it takes is someone reporting them for non-compliance; charges have already been laid against various big brands over this in the States.
  17. Being a Canadian I consider myself the expert 'round these parts.
  18. No I'm saying the first one is from the US bundle, and the second is from the same bundle, but the Canadian version.
  19. Ah, looking at the second and noting the French, it's likely that it's simply the Canadian version of the console bundle. I'm pretty confident in that being the case.
  20. The first one came with this console bundle, I know that for sure at least:
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