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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. A new version of Invision (the software running VGS) has been released, and in order to keep things running smoothly I'll have to take the site down for a bit. Here's what I need to do: Back up the custom styles etc. that have been built for VGS Take down the site Update the software Re-apply the customizations Confirm that it all works as expected Put the site back up Barring any issues I don't envision this taking a terribly long time, maybe an hour. The site will go down sometime during the day this upcoming Friday, September 4th. I'll be aiming for around noon or so, but we'll have to see. I'll post a reminder an hour or so before I press the big red button. During the downtime, you can feel free to join us on Discord over here: https://discord.gg/5tuxaqD Or better yet take a walk, stretch your legs. Maybe grab a Starbucks. I'll take a grande PSL, thanks.
  2. Thanks for the report re: twitch. I'll see that it gets fixed.
  3. Heard of it. On the "to watch" list. But even so... Never seen it.
  4. I wonder then what the value of the NPs is with vs without the address. In almost anything you'd take a hit on the value by altering it from its original state. Personally I don't see the harm in someone having your parents address from like 20 years ago. What is the fear here, that someone will go and rob them hoping to get Nintendo stuff? TBH I'd not worry about it, unless you're the type to shred any and all documents with your address on them prior to recycling.
  5. FYI blocking it out with sharpie will not truly conceal your address. I'd leave them as-is. Why does it matter if someone knows your old address?
  6. And that's ignoring the buyer's fee too I assume, right?
  7. Damn shame. I don't watch those superhero movies, but he clearly made a difference for a lot of people. Fuck cancer.
  8. If you edit, we see it. If we delete it, it's gone.
  9. You making mistakes isn't reason enough for us to enable people to hide. You can't delete posts because if you could then someone could post something hateful or illegal then just delete it and there'd be no evidence it ever existed. We delete them ourselves and at our discretion to keep the community clean. Counter-suggestion: Stop making so many mistakes.
  10. Gloves

    NWC #103

    Go for it. You can even link to the site it links to if you like.
  11. Gloves

    NWC #103

    I fear you're mistaking "being aware of" and "caring about".
  12. I like the idea, but I don't believe it's possible to do in the framework at this time. It may be possible to build a plugin for the feature, but it'd have to have a lot of support to dramatically change the core functionality like that. Thing is, if we make future changes to the structure, it'd almost certainly cause visual bugs for anyone who had rearranged them.
  13. Sending it to me would save a bunch. I'm happy to handle it if you send to me.
  14. I only buy games that actually interest me. I do prefer physical, and if there is a limited print run that sucks, but I'll buy it.
  15. Same as astral above. I just want a new game already.
  16. They're just referring to the PS3 version, which came out in 2013.
  17. After almost a year of monitoring uploads on the site, making sure everything is ok and not gonna cost us extra, we've made an update to the amount of files you can upload (your total space for attachments across the entire site) as well as how much you can add to a single post. Please do be aware that these numbers are subject to change - if we find that the limit is TOO generous and it starts costing way more or something, we may have to scale it back. As it stands the generous people who support the site with donations and subscriptions (subscribe here!) are putting in enough that we're ok to take on a bit more. Your contributions will continue to slowly add new features and upgrades to the site! New total allowed attachments for all users: UNLIMITED! New total attachment size allowed per post: 50MB We recognize that people use the site for a number of purposes, and one of those is archiving data. This can often mean uploading many images to share info with others, and that is valuable to the community, so we are happy to foot the bill (really it's the subs that do so - thank them! If you see a coin site award on someone, they are making this place better!). If you require an even BIGGER size limit for your posts, please contact me directly and I will see if I can help either steer you in a direction that will alleviate the issue (e.g. use IMGUR!), or perhaps increase your personal limit if the situation makes sense. Thanks again for all your support of the site, and remember to have fun out there.
  18. Where did you get this photo of me?
  19. It's the "why didn't you" that came off that way, really. Implies he should have. The point of buying something to sell is profit. To my knowledge this guy isn't OPs friend or anything. As they say, a fool and his money. The seller clearly didn't care much about getting top dollar or they'd have done even a 5 minute bout of research into current prices. I'm sure he just wanted the space and didn't care about the hassle of selling pieces individually, and was happy to see a bunch of it just gone. I've given away lots of stuff, I don't expect or want everyone I give a good deal to to be like "you can get more for this" I typically just want shit gone to make space in my home.
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