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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Ah, maybe I forgot that bit. I was working with him on the site at the time so I'm sure we had that conversation. I don't recall it though.
  2. His license was revoked for making too many calls; they are not making more calls, just showing info from the data collected.
  3. He'll have to re-upload, it doesn't seem to exist.
  4. Yeah I getcha. My point being simply that this is the GVN thread and you can't expect people to read your welcome thread or any other thread by you, they may well come here specifically to get info on GVN (do GC post GVN news/info anywhere else?). To my knowledge VGS is, odd as it may be, THE place to get news on GVN. They do have a link to their blog on GC, but the latest news for GVN was 3 months ago. Prob cuz that was the latest actual big update. I'm not saying there's any onus whatsoever to disclaimer all your posts or anything, just saying how I could see some people being confused (I've actually personally gotten messages from a few people on here asking if you work for GVN or GoCollect and what the deal is there; I always direct them to ask you their questions, frankly they probably don't follow up). To be clear, I'm just trying to offer friendly advice based on what I've seen. I use GVN myself for the same reasons as doner, and will continue to do so. That's why I continue to share bugs and stuff with you here.
  5. To be totally fair, you do say "we" a lot when referring to GoCollect, without really giving the full context of that what you mean is "the GoCollect dev team". Not to say you HAVE to by any stretch, but I could see how someone would mistake you for the dev, or for someone with intimate knowledge of their inner workings. Maybe it would behoove you to adjust the OP of this thread with some context as to that GoCollect owns and runs GVN, and that you are their employee, as well as what your role is. Then you could point people there. Understand that you are the only person on here with a direct connection to GVN through GoCollect, and the optics have not been all that clear.
  6. The original goal of GVN was to give the community a more modern tracker, and maybe earn the original creator some cash flow through rover links. GoCollect purchased it to get the data from it. They keep it going because users continue to feed them data through it. They WERE making their own version, I don't know what happened to that. Potentially they've decided to pivot and carry on using the GVN brand recognition and pre-installed userbase to bolster credibility.
  7. This is something most people likely aren't considering while using these free services: they are using the data you put in to make decisions. They know not just how many sales happen per month per game, but also how many people who use their tracker own each game. They have information that could be used to game the market fairly easily, and by using their tool you are feeding them that information, effectively contributing to the problems that many on here complain about. Consider also that Want Lists exist - they know what you have, and what you want. Truth is though, you're a drop in the bucket and they won't mourn the loss of the 10-20 people on here who stop using their service in protest.
  8. Time sensitive awards don't tend to award speedy players, more those who coincidentally have time earlier on. Part of the appeal I think to this was that you could start and stop working on it at your own pace, you really weren't in competition with anyone else, or against the clock beyond the week deadline.
  9. The rough part of a month-long event is that people can burn out, and the chat gets pretty stale. I've noticed that compared to other contests that DO last a month, this was quite active the entire week. Part of the idea was to make an event that IS possible to complete within a week, given some effort. Time is a hard thing to balance and make everyone happy heh.
  10. Generic? Brother, it's hot pink.
  11. That's the main concern with this set for sure; I was honestly anticipating maybe 1 blackout is the thing. That's why I said early on that even if you can't clear the board, keep doing as many as you can - you may earn a secret charm by doing so. Reed is the prime example really, he didn't get even a line but he DID get a secret charm. It was an extra incentive to try stuff out, even if you couldn't manage the harder stuff. I always hesitate to do things that come down to personal preference. Maybe in future I'll go that route but for the first Bingo I wanted to do it relatively simply. I think it was a big success, everyone seems to have enjoyed it, and like I said the secret charms will change with each iteration; they'll be completely different next time to keep you guessing, and keep even the blackout folks coming back for more! I actually already have my next event in my head, I just need to get it on paper and start planning. These things can take a while to iron out the details, but I hope that it's worth it for the fun everyone has.
  12. Sidenote: The designs for the charms will be revealed at a later date; I was planning to make them last week, but I ended up having to focus really hard on work. Likely the same this week but I will do my best to get them all made up soon. Thanks for your patience!
  13. BINGOOOOOOO!!! But not for 5 of you. I'm hoping everybody who participated had a good time, and maybe tried something new along the way. The goal of this event was to get people not just active but participating on the site with each other, and to step out of your comfort zones. I'll start with a big congrats to the 3 who cleared the entire board! @DefaultGen, @Jeevan, and @ZeldaFreak, well done! I'd like to get everybody's feedback on the event, so please do be sure to respond to the poll questions. These will help to make similar events in the future even better! And beyond that please do feel free to leave feedback in this thread. Also, it's been suggested that someone compile the cool stuff people made for this event, and I was entirely planning to do so, but by golly you all have made SO MUCH cool stuff! Like jeez you've not made my job easy in this regard. I'll get to it soon... >_> Now, to the reveal! As you can see by the very fast moving gif above, there were 3 secret charms - Make, Collect, and Play! The idea being that these are the 3 pillars to the community. I made the tiles based on the pillars, each with a (roughly) even amount of easy, medium, and hard tiles (green, orange, red, respectively). If you completed all of the tiles for a pillar, that earned you the secret charm for that specific pillar. Yes, if you earned the blackout, this means you also earned all 3 of the secret charms. Do note that the secret charms are one-time only! If/when we run BINGO again, the completion charms will remain the same and you can upgrade your previously earned charm; if however you have a blackout this time around, you will still be able to participate next time to earn new, different secret charms! Phew that was a lot of explaining. Here's the list of who won what, for clarity: @Reed Rothchild Secret: Collect @0xDEAFC0DE Line @JamesRobot Line @Adorabear Line @CasualCart Line @Hammerfestus Line @Deadeye Line @KokiriChild Line @Jicsan Cross Secret: Make Secret: Collect @Gaia Gensouki Cross @DefaultGen Blackout Secret: Make Secret: Collect Secret: Play @Jeevan Blackout Secret: Make Secret: Collect Secret: Play @ZeldaFreak Blackout Secret: Make Secret: Collect Secret: Play
  14. Update coming soon! I... got distracted watching Death Note.
  15. Friendly reminder that this ends in 8.5 hours! Make sure to get your final submissions in before noon, est!
  16. It's an affront to everything I once held dear.
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