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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Y'all gettin' real loosy-goosy with what the rules state, and I don't mind that at all if I'm being honest. If pinball isn't relevant then I'm out.
  2. Additionally, following nesdoug's site, you should be able to have a sufficient platformer for that tile by lesson 14. Certainly more dedication for that, but obviously some tiles are intended to take more time and effort than others.
  3. EDIT: Actually sorry, not Nerdy Nights, that's the one everyone suggests. I used this: https://nesdoug.com/ You should actually be able to complete that tile by simply following the first lesson. Shoutout to @dougeff for the tutorials by the way.
  4. That would be acceptable. I'll let you know though - following Nerdy Nights you should be able to complete this by I think step 2 or so, maybe an hour of learning.
  5. This whole thing is just a ploy to get people to watch Redline.
  6. I can't imagine liking any of the other Redline movies lol. The anime movie Redline though is easily the best movie in existence.
  7. Mmmmm the intent was that you'd make your own ROM from scratch. I hesitate to allow hacks.
  8. If it feels like a transaction it's probably a transaction, no need to overthink it. (yes)
  9. It is yes, and actually done well too. Also the entire movie is available to watch for free on Youtube.
  10. If all of you were one person you'd have a line already!
  11. I've tallied everything submitted up to this point, all is looking good.
  12. FF7 is commonly misprinted, that's a game more are like to have than the GB Ducktales I think. As for other threads, tbh I'd rather that than the activity feed being filled with politics garbage. That said, try to use existing threads where possible. Some of the tiles are intended to get people searching the forum a little bit. There may well be a thread that's appropriate already! Beyond that, maybe one of you posts a "Your most prized possession" thread and everyone else posts in the same thread. Maybe, just maybe, other people post in it too; suddenly we have an active forum, eh?
  13. To be clear, you just have to make the deal. You don't have to ship/receive within the week. It's on the honor system that people aren't just being sly behind the scenes to mark off tiles.
  14. No worries, thanks for the questions! Game Night: I'll make a new requirement - at least one of you needs to take a photo of the screen with some manner of proof that at least 2 people got together to play a game. This could be, for instance, the pre-game lobby on Mario Kart. The rest of the requirement (1+ hour) is on the honor system much like a lot in the contests we run. We assume for instance that you're not using save states to beat games; this is all intended to be a fun game, don't cheat yourself out of having fun for a couple pixels under your avatar! Homebreviewer: Yeah, make it in the Blogs section please. Merch: If someone has been kind enough to buy you a shirt, consider yourself the lucky owner also of another free space. Buy that man a coffee sometime. Seriesous about collectin: Yes, you must own the games physically.
  15. Any console which will give trophies: ps3, 4, vita.
  16. It's one of the reasons I stopped caring about trophies!
  17. Eh I'll give you a pass... this time.
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