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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. What's stopping you from trying?
  2. I actually almost had a rule that if you had to ask me my favorite movie you'd be disqualified from that tile! Give it a little time, I'm sure you'll figure it out. I won't tell you what it is, suffice to say that I've basically gushed all over the movie pretty consistently here on VGS. Options are: 1) Look through my post history, you're sure to find the movie in question. 2) Ask someone who's not me. I'm sure someone will pop in and be like "It's this!" and then everyone will know, and that's cool. Me though, I'm gonna keep an air of mystery about me! FUFUFUFUFUUUU! As for your first question, I'm afraid you must do 1 thing per tile. When submitting you need to say the name of the tile, and provide the proof. You may not do the same thing for multiple tiles.
  3. Any "beat a game" tasks must have been started today/this week.
  4. Secret charms will not be revealed until the end of the event.
  5. Your shirt purchase counts yes. I'll post updates as I get to them. All are ok so far.
  6. I'll be honest I won't be super anal about it, just do what is convenient while also considering that I need to manually check them all. You scratch my back...
  7. Make your submissions here. I'll fill out a FAQ here if it seems necessary. Please include the name of the tile you're submitting in your posts!
  8. To clarify one randomly - you DO have to develop a NEW GAME for the tiles that say "Make an NES ROM" and "Make a platformer". The idea with all the tiles is that SOME people should have no problem at all completing them. But those same people will likely also have trouble earning other tiles. A seasoned NES dev could whip out a quick platformer level in like a day? I dunno that that guy is very interested in platinuming a PS3 game though.
  9. Anything that is retroactive states as such. For instance, you can't just cross off the NES Contest task for having participated in the past. Mind you, there are plenty that are like, post a photo of a graded game. If you already own a graded game, hey easy, post a pic and you're good. Let me know if you're curious about a specific tile.
  10. It's too bad there are no trophy experts around these parts who could share info on how to earn that tile quick and cheap.
  11. That's right! The time has come to put on your bifocals and mosey on over to the local community center for a game of ye olde Bingo. Here we will set forth a series of tasks on yon board, and is is thine task to complete as many as thou mayst. Ok I'll stop. You can view the board in the spoiler here: Each tile on the board corresponds to the name of a task in the list below. It's pretty simple really: complete a task to fill in the corresponding tile. Complete enough tasks to earn a Charm! There are actually a number of Charms available, in a tiered fashion. Each tier up replaces the Charm before it: T1: Line Complete a single full line, the classic BINGO! T2: Criss-cross Complete two lines to create a Cross/"X" I would also accept a "T" T3: Box Complete all 4 outer lines T4: Blackout Complete the entire board Yes, I realize this would take a lot of effort to complete within a week, welcome to tiered event awards To make things even MORE interesting, there are also 3 SECRET Charms you can earn! Unlike the tiered Charms above it IS possible to earn ALL 3 of the secret charms. This would be incredibly difficult to do, but don't let that keep you from trying! Complete as much of the board as you can for a chance to take home more site awards! I encourage you to talk in the thread here to try and deduce what might be required to unlock the secrets of the board! There will be a separate submission thread where you will post what you have done. For each tile submission, make a post with the name of the tile(s) you're submitting. For instance, if a tasks is to beat a game, you must post a photo as evidence, with a paper showing your VGS username. If a task requires video proof, you must post a link to your video. For anything which requires that you create something, you may attach the file to your post as an attachment, or on another hosting site (google drive, dropbox, etc.). If you are submitting a task which requires that you post in another thread on VGS, link to that post in your submission. Every post on the site has a "Share" icon, which will give you a direct link to the post: Now without further ado... The task list (alphabetical order): (Practically) Free Post "I'm in!" in the event thread (this one right here) Early days Beat a game from 1995 or earlier Remasters and compilations are allowed, as long as they don't alter the gameplay significantly Not retroactive Game master Max out the score on a console game Not retroactive Game Night Play a game online with other VGS users 2+ people, for 1+ hour(s) At least one of you needs to take a photo of the screen with some manner of proof that at least 2 people got together to play a game. This could be, for instance, the pre-game lobby on Mario Kart. Not retroactive Gotta go fast Post a top 10 qualifying speedrun on speedrun.com You don't have to actually post it on their site, only prove with video evidence that your speedrun would qualify Not retroactive Homebreviewer Write a review blog for a Homebrew game Not retroactive Hy, brid Share a photo of a misprint that you own Not retroactive It's a-me Beat a 3D Mario game Eligible games: https://www.ginx.tv/en/video-games/3d-mario-game-ranked-anniversary Not retroactive Jump, man Make a platformer Must be a new creation you've created yourself Yes, I'm asking you to develop a very basic video game Minimum requirements: 1 screen or level The level must have platforms Your character must be required to traverse those platforms in order to reach the end I must be able to play what you make (e.g. in an emulator, in a browser, on my PC, etc.) Not retroactive Make your mark Create an NES ROM which displays your VGS username Yes, this is a simpler version of the above Jump, Man task; however you are limited to making an NES ROM specifically Suggestion: Read the Nerdy Nights tutorials Not retroactive Merch Buy an official VGS shirt Retroactive: if you already have one, post a photo of you wearing it! (or just of the shirt and your username on paper if you're uncomfortable sharing what you look like!) Musically Inclined Create a song in the chiptune style Can use any software, but Famitracker is a popular one for NES dev Song must be at least 10 seconds long Not retroactive Particip ant Participate in the VGS Weekly NES Contest Not retroactive: you must play Mappy for the Famicom I will however also accept a post-contest submission for Caveman Games, due to Mappy being on a foreign console for the majority of users Plastic prison Makeshift a graded game Post a photo of a game you've put into some manner of "slab" with a "grade" I'd also accept an ACTUALLY graded game, I guess... Not retroactive Racing fan desu Watch Gloves' favorite movie Your submission must let me know what you thought of the movie! Retroactive: If you've already seen it, just submit your thoughts! Rollercoaster of emotion Post a photo in the Coasters thread https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/526-game-coasters-20-official-cheers-thread Not retroactive Seriesous about collecting Share a photo of your completed collection of a series of games Series must have at least 3 games in it, for example, all Silent Hill games Spinoffs are not required, only mainline games Not retroactive Show off Share your most prized gaming possession Post in a relevant thread in the Show Off forum: https://www.videogamesage.com/forum/11-show-off/ Not retroactive Spritely Design a character sprite Must have at least 3 distinct poses (e.g. standing, ducking, jumping) Must be original, not a recolor of an existing character Only the sprite needbe original, you are allowed to take an existing character and make a sprite version, e.g. The Sage! Not retroactive Supportive Be a Subscriber Retroactive: if you are already a subscriber consider this a free space! Finally the sub is paying off eh? Taste the brew Participate in the Homebrew Contest https://www.videogamesage.com/topic/4704-homebrew-leaderboard-competition-2020-game-8-brony-blaster/ Not retroactive, unless you participated in the CURRENT iteration The future is now, old man Earn a platinum trophy on PSN or 1000 points a game on Xbox Not retroactive With these hands Beat a handheld game Not retroactive X Factor Submit a game to one of the "Beat every X" threads Not retroactive You scratch my back Participate in a transaction on VGS Required proof: @ the person you made the deal with They must "Like" your post I'll be keeping an eye out for some FEEDBACK for both parties! Please don't just ask someone to like your post for a free spot I mean you COULD, but is that really any fun? Not retroactive
  12. The event will last for a week, no rush to be around right when it starts if you can't make it.
  13. Any user is the target audience. Usability and accessibility is very important to me, not just on this site but on any site I work on.
  14. I'm going to be running a fun and fancy free event starting TOMORROW at NOON (EST)! The event will last ONE WEEK, you will be able to participate at any time during that week, and as much or as little as you like. There will be GOALS! There will be CHARMS! The Charms will be TIERED! Work harder to earn a higher tier charm, and show off to everyone! The whole thing will be a surprise to everyone! Staff can participate cuz THIS IS THE FIRST THEY'RE HEARING ABOUT IT BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. If you can be the first to guess what the event will be you will get an extra reward - my adoration! OHOHOHOHOOOOO!
  15. I did not, I was out of it by the time that released. My username over there is "Noid".
  16. I have around 70 or so written trophy guides over on playstationtrophies.org. I've also made multiple trophy guide videos on YouTube. It really depends on the game which type of guide is more efficient/helpful, as well as personal preference.
  17. Written walkthroughs don't make money, YouTube videos do.
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