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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I don't think we'll just do away with it, no. Not everyone will notice the announcement threads. We rarely use the announcement bar as is, it's not that intrusive, and once you click the X it goes away until your cookies have been cleared.
  2. Oh dang. Maybe I just forgot to add em. Apologies.
  3. @ZeldaFreak thanks again for the help in tracking down issues on dark mode. For your contributions, I've awarded you the Helping Hand charm! Congrats!
  4. Not as yet, but we can certainly add one (and I think we should). Just need to design one, really.
  5. Yeah there are a couple very specific games that I've had trouble finding CIB in the condition I want. Just on the SNESS though, and not anything I'm like dying to have. If a nice copy appears I'd nab it, but otherwise I'm not out here dropping heavy bounties or whatever.
  6. Lol don't worry about it, this all really helps!
  7. The clubs issue should be fixed now. I also dimmed the header images for each club since they can be quite bright. If you hover over the club the image will brighten up.
  8. Thanks for the list, I'll fix them all!
  9. Seriously, no matter how small you think the feedback is, let me know.
  10. @Jeevan @ZeldaFreak Updated, they're the same color now.
  11. I'll be totally honest, I'd actually like to use dark mode as the default. Problem has simply been that it's a big task to customize every little bit of the whole site to ACTUALLY look nice. But I am dedicated! I'll keep working on it, and may switch the default to Dark Mode after I feel it's in a good place. We'll probably run a poll before I switch 1500 people over automatically though.
  12. Just dicking around at this point, what do you think of this?
  13. I mean... it definitely is. I don't think this opinion is unpopular lol, it's been lauded as one of the best CoD games by most people who ACTUALLY play CoD.
  14. Yeah it's feeling a lot better so far. I've set myself to Dark Mode and I'll live with it as I peruse the site and any time I think "this could be better" I'll just update it straight away. I'm updating the Site Rules page right now to be more legible based on your feedback from before.
  15. I've found some time and made some updates. Will keep working on it, so if you see the site suddenly covered in a hideous red, that's me testing stuff out. I "do it live" cuz fuck it.
  16. That may well be the case. If you opt out of cookies, you're actively inhibiting your experience on websites; it's a give and take. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand not wanting to be tracked by the Googles and whatnot. Sadly their invasive tracking is managed through the same way as most sites handle short form customizations like this.
  17. @DefaultGen have you clicked the "X" on the right side of the notification bar? This should add a cookie to your browser which tells the site not to show it anymore. That said, it HAS been a month, maybe I can turn that guy off. Of course that's a temp fix for YOUR problem, since the next announcement will do the same.
  18. There are no plans as such at this time.
  19. That is... very odd. What kind of phone is it, and what browser? This doesn't happen to me with my BT headphones.
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