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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Yeah I never said it had to be hard lol. I'm saying I ain't got the spaaaaace, son.
  2. I use VMs in my daily work life, I'm quite familiar with them. Alas, what I'm looking for is that physical look & feel. The curve and glow of the CRT, etc.. No virtualization will change that I'm using a wireless mouse on a wireless charging mousepad with a fancy new mechanical keyboard and playing games on a super-ultra-wide monitor.
  3. Already a thread on this, here:
  4. That's like... at LEAST. I'm personally thinking more early 2000's. The main game I wanna play for instance is from 1999.
  5. I've been feeling an itch lately to play some older PC games and don't get me wrong GOG and DOSBox are cool and all, but... there's something DIFFERENT about playing on original hardware, we all know it. So that got me to thinking - does anyone here have a "retro" PC for playing older games on? Let's say pre-2010 at the least. I'm feeling like I wanna play the Might and Magic games of old again, for instance. It'd be nigh-on impossible for me personally to get a setup going like I'd want due to lack of space, but I'm still curious regardless if anyone else has an old PC setup going these days, what it looks like if so, and how you like it (and whether you even use it!). Anybody?
  6. Ooh damn they got photos and everything lol. E: The majority of them are broken links, alas.
  7. I wonder if we could band together and get nice photos of all the slip covers?
  8. Got mine (and @BortLicensePlate's) in the mail, along with some games I ordered (via my Instagram):
  9. Often the simplest answer is the correct one. You're jumping through a lot of hoops to explain away "programmers did it for lols".
  10. Same here. If I wanna play GB games on a TV... well let's face it I never do.
  11. Classic "grandma tries to do something 'hip'" and it loses all its appeal to the younger gen.
  12. Appreciate you offering, but for JUST Sly 3 (a $10-15 game, generally) it may not be worth the hassle for either of us, as shipping will likely be about twice the value of the game itself. T_T
  13. A big part of it being "shit" is it's main audience. I feel like it's like going to a Markiplier fan convention. Sure there's gonna be some adults around, but mostly you're gonna be surrounded by kids, and embarrassingly, most of those kids will kick your ass.
  14. Should one man be allowed so much wealth? Has capitalism gone too far? No but seriously, absolutely amazing collection. Beautiful!
  15. View Listing Double Dragon Advance CIB For offer, CIB, in ok condition. Typical toss it in a plastic protector (will come shipped in one) and it looks good on a shelf. See photos! Tested, works, plays no issues. I'm willing to take a pretty reasonable cut off ebay prices to move it here and not deal with eBay if possible, so feel free to make on offer if you're looking to add this to your collection. Lister Gloves Date 07/26/2020 Price Category For Sale/Trade
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