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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I think it'd be good info to have for anyone who's getting into collecting PS3 games and wants to make sure their games are "complete" as much as possible. Missing the slip cover would be part of that for sure, so I can see value in it definitely.
  2. Why not give everyone who participated some points so they all move up compared to the people who didn't participate? Just the same amount of points across the board.
  3. I can't believe I played this garbage on my birthday.
  4. Toss this guy on the train outta here too.
  5. A google search came up with this thread: https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=175641 Could be at least a decent starting point.
  6. Oh. Ok I revoke the invite, please leave.
  7. Oh dearie me no, I am not interested in playing Minecraft in any form I'm afraid. >_>
  8. Ok cool; some games make it tougher than that so I wasn't sure. I've only played Minecraft locally with my wife, and on Vanilla (Java version).
  9. No I get what mods are, but why these? Is digging and building with ya pals not enough anymore? Being serious though; does each person who wants to play on the server need to download mods specifically? Or do you just download the launcher and it'll install the mods that are on the server, similar to old CoD games?
  10. TBH I think barrier of entry will be your biggest hurdle with this; if people just need Minecraft it's not so bad, but if they have to download and install other things they've never heard of with no idea of why these extras are necessary, it's a hard sell. I've no clue what Tekkit or Resonant Rise are, nor why I'd want them on Minecraft. It's like you're speaking French, honestly.
  11. I can read this one yep. Got some more info from it and I can see both sides now. Still - I think at the core the issue really is, why would the self-defense be "shoot the teenager"? I can't help but feel like there's surely some other way for a 28 year old trained police officer could take to hand-to-hand and not kill a kid. Was Officer Wilson alone, or were other officers in the area? I'm just having trouble accepting that there was no way to deescalate without shooting. Anyroad, seems it's been argued to death already and I'm surely not anywhere near prepared enough to make any arguments. Thanks for sharing info.
  12. Who fired the gun twice? Michael Brown? I don't understand what happened, as all I know of the situation is what you've told me here.
  13. I did not; it's impossible to read due to it being behind a paywall. Despite my ability to pass the paywall without paying, the full article doesn't load regardless; likely it looks for user information existing in order to pass the remainder of the article beyond the first paragraph. Putting news behind a subscription paywall is a good way to get me to not care what you say, especially when it looks like ads are there even if you subscribe. That aside, and taking it at face value, I don't see the correlation between fighting with the officer, and attempting to take his gun. I'd still want to see video to make a judgement call on it. Even BEYOND that, I'd argue you're being incredibly harsh to presume that a teen is to be expected to act rationally in a fight where the other side has weapons, else expect to be killed. Is it foolish to go for an officer's gun? Yeah, of course it is? Should the officer retaliate by taking said gun in hand and shooting the teen? Absolutely not. The suspect was unarmed, attempted to become armed, and was subsequently disarmed and then murdered for it. The officer should be expected to be able to EASILY apprehend a teen without resorting to shooting them.
  14. I'd not believe anything here without video, frankly. Washingtonpost, left leaning, right, or otherwise. I'd want to know at the least who is making the original claim that he was going for the officer's gun. And if it's the officers on the scene making the claim, it's an untrustworthy one.
  15. Ah so just words? Is there video? There's supposed to be body cams right?
  16. I'm not familiar with this case; what is the source on that he reached for the cops gun?
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