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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. He stares PAST the screen, fingers in ears yelling "LALALA!".
  2. I firmly believe that the government should have NO hand WHATSOEVER in recreational drugs. Drugs that can kill and/or those that are explicitly used for date rape, yeah, monitor that shit. I'd even go so far as to argue that the government should stay out of alcohol as well - there should not be a minimum age to purchase alcohol.
  3. I imagine the real deal is the cat's pajamas and the Canadian shit is... well... shit. No joke it WRECKS my tum tum every time time.
  4. Lol I love all the little welcome graphics people make.
  5. Sounds about right, yeah. Truth be told, I looked over these when you originally posted and if Spyro were black label, or if South Park was better condition, I'd have been interested myself. I didn't wanna shit on your stuff or anything though so I just didn't say anything. I do hope you have luck with your sales, but it might behoove you to swap stuff out every so often, assuming you have other stuff for sale. Just cuz people aren't drooling over these doesn't mean whatever else you might have won't get bites.
  6. Lots of people do, yes. Transactions happen pretty regularly, judging by the feedback feed. I fear that there's just not much interest in this particular group of games.
  7. They're saying that: Only 1000 are being made Of those 1000, you may buy as many as you please
  8. Pretty sure this guy's not buying to play, rather to resell.
  9. I'll always respect the ability to call oneself out and grow with the times. Big up for him from me there.
  10. Searching for just the word "combat" is also returning nothing at all. Could be something to do with short search terms, or perhaps "partial matches" not working. Searching "Jak" works fine it seems. Searching "Daxter" returns nothing.
  11. Yeah I'm not holding my breath lol
  12. @Magus FYI it looks like the "beta" has become the full site and... a few minor bugs. Clicking "All" in the Platforms nav dropdown just takes you back to the homepage, rendering all console inaccessible aside from the ones listed (the "top" consoles): You can scroll down on the main page to see the rest of the consoles but this is far from ideal; it's only accessible from the main page, and any buttons in the nav SHOULD have some actual function to them, even if just scrolling down the page. Further, and equally or more importantly, search is completely non-functional for some games, despite them existing in the database (as evidenced by being in the autocomplete on the form):
  13. View Listing Help me fill my PS2 holes! Commons! I'm hoping I can pick up some pretty common games from the friendly folks on VGS. The stuff I have listed here is what I'm mainly looking for right now, but I'm open to hearing about other cool games I might not have played before. Some of these I'm looking for condition upgrades, so condition is important; please let me know if there are significant blemishes. Also, to be clear, looking for CIB, and black label. None of that red stuff! I also have stuff to trade, but I don't really have like a list or anything. If you let me know what you're looking for maybe we can work something out, otherwise I have PayPal at the ready! Sly Cooper Sly 2 Sly 3 Ratchet & Clank R&C 2 R&C 3 Jak & Daxter J&D 2 J&D 3 Kuon (yeah) Burnout 3 Devil May Cry DMC 2 DMC 3 Guitar Hero 3 Beyond Good & Evil Timesplitters Timesplitters 2 Psychonauts Soul Calibur 3 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Viewtiful Joe Cold Fear X-Files Resist or Serve Obscure The Thing Ghosthunter Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Gitaroo Man Street Fighter Alpha Anthology The Suffering: Ties That Bind Ys: The Ark of Napishtim Lister Gloves Date 08/31/2020 Price Category Wanted
  14. At this point I've just sucked it up and taken the hit. Fortunately for me I'm not hard up for cash, just cleaning up my apartment a bit of the duplicates and whatnot. Still, I'll keep it in mind for next time.
  15. Thing is ebay didn't even give me the OPTION to argue about it. All the buyer has to do is say "it's not as described" and I have NO course of action outside of giving the buyer's money back. Ridiculous.
  16. Absolute 10. Among my favorite series and I could easily play any of them over and over. I have the platinum trophy for every game, including all 3 regions for Demons Souls.
  17. I have a WiiU but it's not plugged in. That said, I will do as you say.
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