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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. "Systemic". I know I'm being anal and I apologize but they're words with very different meanings.
  2. WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO SAY!?!? Weeee didn't staaart the fiiiire! It was aaaalways burnin' since the worrrld's been turnin'!
  3. So I should sell my copy of Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero CE. Got it.
  4. Should work fine, just reference the same thread for each.
  5. I just wanna confirm before I bother putting any effort in. I assume I'm gonna just have to suck it up and take the loss here, but dude's asking for a return on one of the TWO Animal Crossing games he bought off me. Photos from the listing: Photos from the buyer: Like am I crazy? It looks to me like two completely different discs? Feels like ebay is too quick to just auto-side with the dude, and he's just "trading up" a disc he already had or something. Very frustrating.
  6. Maybe you should make a club and only invite like-minded individuals so you have a safe space echo chamber where no conflicting ideals exist, so you can shit on the uninvited people without any fear of reprocussion?
  7. Gloves

    Metroid Prime

    I've only played a demo of Prime at a Blockbuster waaaay back. Didn't capture my interest, alas.
  8. They do yes, you couldn't pay me to live there. The US and Taiwan both sound like pretty shit places to live. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Honestly Taiwan sounds like a pretty shit place to live, based on the content of this thread.
  10. It seems to have fixed itself!
  11. Very cool that we still see things like this popping up!
  12. We did it bois, we're on the googles!
  13. Nice, welcome to the site! How'd you hear about VGS?
  14. I'm not sure that Wata would be the appropriate determining body for whether it's fake or not, as they grade repros. They'd more than likely take you at your word that it is what you claim.
  15. I know it's a bit old but just popping in to say: 1) It's legit 2) I'm jealous
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