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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. We got a Chic fil a here in Toronto like a year or so ago just before I quit my job that was down the road from it. I thiiiiink it was the 1st in Canada? AND it was just after the awkward statement thing (I only heard about it when I got home and excitedly told my wife about the new chicken place by work). Never been myself, but mostly because the lines have been consistently, for months, out the store and down the road. So weird.
  2. It used to be that I'd preorder shit so it'd arrive day of and I'd not have to put any effort in, it'd just come to me. But that seems to not be the case these days.
  3. Amazon frickin' sucks I'm sick of this. Every time I preorder a game through Amazon I get it like 5 days after release. How the fuck is it that I can get a new vacuum TOMORROW if I order tonight at 10pm, but I preorder Paper Mario IN MAY and I don't get it on release? *ahem* Where do you all preorder new games from?
  4. You could post it on here as well, but ebay will be the best place to get "market value". If it were Kuon instead of RoR I'd buy it myself, but I already have RoR. T_T
  5. Not the best really, but one of the most nostalgic for me personally.
  6. I had played plenty of RPGs prior to Pokemon, but still enjoyed it for the collecting specifically.
  7. Yeah none of those look good to me in the slightest. They're still legos, and look like lego bricks. I'd FAR rather a regular figure that doesn't look like legos.
  8. Yeah I'm not a crochety old man who hates fun.
  9. Gold/silver were better, but I do still love Red/blue. Red of course being the better of the two. 8 or 9/10
  10. Maybe they're just not Cincinnati fans?
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