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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. You may be mistaking my meaning lol. Perhaps "wrong audience" would be better replaced with "wrong neighborhood". Of course this got more traction; people are more than happy to jump into a thread to dump on a game they've never played and have no interest in playing. We're surrounded by @Bearcat-Doug and his cronies.
  2. I did, yes. That said, I didn't have a happy childhood, so take that as you will.
  3. I was kidding re: adult. I just don't like legos. I see them as like figures that you build. I love figures, but I like them to look good/realistic as much as possible (please ignore my Nendoroid collection), and I don't enjoy the lego aesthetic.
  4. I actually disagree. A strong leader can have a severe impact on how people behave, this is a constant in all things. Trump is simply not a strong leader. I honestly believe that if he were: A strong leader Generally competent He'd be able to unite the people under the cause. The country as a whole will generally reflect the leader, and that's what we're seeing now, is people who are "liberated" by the idea that they can be selfish and that's not just ok, but commendable. Imagine if you had Churchill or another great war time leader from the past in place now. Those rousing speeches helped a LOT. Do you think the general public in the States was overall smarter in the 40s? I'm not so sure. Depending on the leader, you can easily sway between, well, axis and allies. The Germans of WW2 weren't inherently bad. Neither are the people of America today. Shitty leader makes a huge difference.
  5. Sorry, what exactly is the difference between unsealed and opened?
  6. I want the original. I don't really like remakes.
  7. Very lame. Seriously if anyone has a copy for sale lemme know cuz I haven't ever played it and was really damn looking forward to it but could never get my Gamecube working. Now I have a working one and the FRICKIN GAME won't work.
  8. Which fucking sucks because whoever sold me their Mario Sunshine sold me a non-working copy and I didn't realize until a few weeks ago because I only just got my Gamecube set up.
  9. You mean like a normal Youtube banner ad? They make ad revenue through that; it's IGN sharing the game trailer, not the dev themselves, of course they want ads lol. But ok. Nintendo; we're getting pretty picky considering you started with this: But I shall rise to the occasion. Here ya go: Surely it's fairly obvious how this game plays? Considering they show actual gameplay for, again, 90% of the video?
  10. What banner are you talking about? There are no banners over the video lol. I'm gonna assume you've never played Demon's/Dark Souls or any other "Souls-like" games, as anyone who has would immediately recognize it as one. I know the cuts are somewhat short in general but it's pretty clearly not a fighter like MK. To counter your previous statement, this trailer is basically 90% gameplay, and the other 10% is scenery shorts; it's certainly not all cutscene shots. At any rate, I can accept defeat on that one - you clearly don't go in for a lot of modern titles if you don't recognize a souls-like. So I submit to you another trailer: Surely even ignoring that it's DOOM, you can watch this trailer assuming no previous knowledge of the franchise and go "yeah that's a first person shooter with a heavy focus on gore". And again, the trailer is like 75%+ gameplay.
  11. Watch this trailer and tell me you don't know what kind of game it is:
  12. Have you tried any of the more simple horror games? Something like Slender, or Wick?
  13. Truth is, I actually have a fair idea of what is rare and will probably be eventually expensive on PS3 specifically, due to my decade or so of dedication strictly to that one console (and trophy hunting). I know what's rare because I spent a lot of time buying/selling/searching for specific titles. Most of it will be imports, but there are some titles in NA for sure. What will REALLY suck is the PS4, in part due to LRG and others. I'm looking at you, Poop Slinger.
  14. There are a few "super special" editions that were so prohibitively expensive when they released (couple hundo) that most people wouldn't pony up for em, making them relatively rare. Though this feels almost like cheating. Sadly the most rare PS3 games are stupid sports games. (see: NBA Elite 11, NCAA 14) There are a few "rare" (ish) games that I imagine will go up. Like I say, horror.
  15. Honestly people have caught on, for the most part, already. Anyone who knows the PS3 library will know what generally to be looking at for long term collectibility/investment, and the key games are already getting somewhat up there. More will follow, and we're still not talking Kuon/Rule of Rose etc. kind of levels, but there are some games sitting around the $100 already that most people have never even heard of.
  16. @RH No problem, a second opinion is always good. As I said in my post, it's not 100%. I'd want to see proof. I'd not pitchfork against anyone over my observations. With respect to ensuring our users weren't being scammed, I checked the OP's messages, and two things were consistent, which to me were red flags. I won't go into further details as the rest is between OP and the people they messaged with, but those two things were somewhat red flags to me personally. THAT SAID, OP hasn't returned to update us, BUT that's probably normal - they weren't a member here prior, and so we can't presume that they check here regularly, or even care to. If anyone happens to have more info, I'd encourage them to step forward with it, as I think it's good for the community (not just ours here, but Nintendo history as a whole) to know what's up.
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