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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Serious question, I can give more details later. What do you all think this would be worth if real? Like what would it sell for, roughly? 10k? 20k? 100000k? Ball park me.
  2. It was originally posted on reddit.
  3. Usually I avoid sharing, to avoid arming fakers with things to look for, but it's among the more surface level tools at my disposal so in this case I figured it's better to inform you all so you know what to look for. Seems OP has ditched at any rate.
  4. A tiny bit of photoshop effort later and observe the below. Side-by-side of OP's photo vs a NO. 0333 from a quickie google for comparison of similar images. One thing you tend to look for when looking for 'shopped images is sections that were taken from other images and/or created by hand with weak artifact recreation. Notice how the image on the right has no discernible straight edges in the pixellation. It's a smooth "gradient" from the numbers to anywhere else on the image. Note, however, with OP's image that the ENTIRE "NO. 0155" section looks to be a single rectangle, as well as different pixel density compared to the rest of the image. It's not 100%, but without further evidence from OP I can pretty surely tell you that the images provided are fake. There's evidence of this all over the image.
  5. Mostly Japanese, alas. Plus side, the console is region free. There's not a lot to choose from, but if you want a "sure thing" then horror and shmups are fair go-to choices. I've been beefing up my horror collection recently myself, buying back some stuff I sold off in the great PS3/4 purge of 2016.
  6. I really only know the two songs and I only ever sing them in jest. They're not "bad" really, just not my jam at all. 4 maybe?
  7. Why did you not report them to the authorities? Are you telling me you can't file a police report?
  8. How is it that they have not been fired and/or reported to the authorities?
  9. Hey everybody Metal Jesus here, and I wanna let you know about these cool games I have stockpiled!
  10. Yep, love me some survival horror. Picking a favorite is tough, but I'm a sucker for the creepy weirdness in a few games (e.g. Rule of Rose). Siren on PS2 gets a huge shout out from me for the face tech, really great for the time.
  11. I've played it, it's pretty good. I believe though that the primary reason for the high price is that it's a FROM Software game. Pair that with it being a PS2 horror title (which are always in high demand) and you've got a recipe for disaster.
  12. Therapists are expensive and I need more PS2 games. So please stop talking about them lol.
  13. As I said, a stereotype can be "positive" but that doesn't make it non-offensive. For instance and back to my earlier example of asians being good at math. Imagine being an asian kid who ISN'T good at math. People might start to make that trait into a talking point about you, and that's not particularly fair, nor welcome. Or let's say that "Swedish chicks have huge tits" (completely random stereotype I'm making up for demonstrational purposes); again, imagine having that be a stereotype, and being a chick with not huge tits. Or an African without a monster schlong. Surely you see the point here. "Positive" stereotypes are STILL damaging.
  14. I have a few of the mains, but not all. Blood Will Tell and Kuon have eluded me thus far and they WON'T STOP GOING UP. Starting to piss me off.
  15. Yeah sorry fc, but your arguments are incredibly weak here. I dunno why you seem to feel the need to actively defend Trump. He was dealt the exact same hand as any other WHO-informed country and has done significantly worse. Your one tiny island country doing well doesn't really prove much of anything. AGAIN apples to oranges - whether Trump did well needs to be compared to the other countries that were in the same boat, and he simply did incredibly poorly. Since you like analogies: I'm in a boat with my 5 friends and a crocodile. You are on another boat with nobody else, and no animals, dangerous or otherwise. The crocodile starts attacking people, and manages to eat one. Two of my friends and I run away from the crocodile and hop on a life raft, escaping. The remaining friend decides to ignore the crocodile, claiming it to be a hoax. That friend is then eaten. Guess who's Trump.
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