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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. To vaguely use your words, we're not comparing apples to apples here. To imply that Trump is comparable in this scenario to a world record holder is preposterous. A shitty dude was handed a shitty hand. Doesn't make him less shitty. Other countries were dealt the same hand and handled it far better.
  2. I still need to pick up some of thooooose. T_T
  3. 1) Agree - stereotypes are bad; a good example is "all asians are good at math". ANY stereotype puts pressure on a person to be a certain way and that's not cool, would be the simplest explanation. 2) Zep wasn't necessarily stereotyping, you could easily be misunderstanding intent. Zep could simply be stating in fewer words "I've been to the asian market, and they literally all wear masks there, so I will go there". Not saying necessarily "all asians wear masks" but rather just "this neighborhood wears masks". I don't believe it's necessarily stereotyping, given his wording and context.
  4. Yeah I'm not saying that your post was offensive or anything, just making sure it's clear that there's really no argument to be made for "abuse of power". Ignoring his status as an admin, he could easily have seen your original post before you removed it, as I did. I saw your post in the activity feed, clicked it, then saw that you edited it away. He could easily have done the exact same thing.
  5. Since this comment was "revived" above me here, let me make sure it's clear - if anyone edits their posts in this thread you can be damn sure we're gonna check to see what you originally said. We're not going to tolerate someone actively saying anything outright hateful or racist and then sweeping it under the rug. You posted what you did, and then almost immediately edited it away. Tell me that doesn't look suspicious; obviously that merits checking what you originally said. Further, I sit here refreshing the activity feed - you didn't edit your comment prior to me seeing it anyway.
  6. As a Canadian, the USA's literal neighbor - yes it's better elsewhere:
  7. My coffee table is where we eat dinner, so... nah lol. Best to avoid getting books sticky. I do keep some art books around the living room though.
  8. Hah, nice try. Like I'm sharing a curated list of games that are going to go up in price in the next year or so.
  9. I ordered from Amazon, didn't see this here in Canada. Wonder if it's States-only?
  10. I recall having watched Poltergeist as a kid, maybe grade 1 or 2. I enjoyed them. I also enjoyed Friday the 13th movies quite young though so maybe I'm just fucked up lol. Secret of Nimh might be a good one, there are some scary bits for kids.
  11. I'm not sure which of my snes or ps2 collection is worth more than the other, but they're basically tied as favorites go, for different reasons, so... Yes?
  12. Question, where does "I am a man" come from? Seems odd.
  13. You've watched a bunch of old dude movies I've never heard of, so neither do they.
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