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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I don't live in the hottest area, though there have been multiple heat warnings lately. I live in a basement so I'm personally quite cool.
  2. I mean... You could totally collect cardboard and not give a shit about micro variants lol.
  3. Oh god please tell me people don't talk about me.
  4. Memorization for me; the enemies will always behave exactly the same way every time you load into a level, so you can memorize a safe route through each level. This starts to fall apart for me personally when you have to go over each tile twice, at that point is when I start to wing it.
  5. But there's the thing - you consider yourself as educating, but others clearly disagree. You have to yourself as well be willing to consider that your own views are not infallible. It's a very complicated subject and you're not 100% right about everything, especially on a world stage. Maybe arguing the specifics of racism with the dude living in Taiwan just isn't worth it. If you feel he's never gonna budge, maybe consider moving on and changing the conversation to something you CAN agree on and work from there. You need to find the compromise or else coming at it from such different viewpoints will simply never work.
  6. You have to accept though that at least as far as I can tell fcgamer doesn't consider himself racist; he has a different worldview than you. Different friends, different experiences. We work with what we've got. A person being CALLED racist who doesn't believe themselves to be is OF COURSE going to get defensive about it, and even lash out - it's absolutely NOT something anyone wants to be called. I believe you BOTH have the best in mind, you both are surely anti-racism. It's a complete non-argument and you are of course going to say you're not being "lead" to say or do anything. Point being you both disagree on the nitty gritty when there are people literally being put in camps, murdered, literally HARVESTED out there in the world. Who gives a shit about if some guy on a forum thinks "colored" is offensive compared to "black" (not an argument you were in, rather w/ wunderful)? That's what I mean by piddly - fcgamer may have come from the States but he ain't there now, he's living a different experience now. Of COURSE you're anit-racist. I challenge anyone on here who's happily racist to go ahead and post about it. Now that'll be an interesting conversation.
  7. That's honestly part of why this thread irks me a lot and I come in and say to stop taking things to personal levels. A lot of you will agree with each other on a lot of things you don't even realize but there's this big label sitting in front of you that just says "LEFT" and "RIGHT" and it puts knives in hands and at throats. I see a lot of arguing over semantics, worrying over whether we think something is racist or not, when seriously these are stupid piddly little things that are just arguments you've honestly been LEAD to have. The people in control WANT you divided in this way when really you're all saying the same things in different ways. Like seriously sometimes you go at each other like the other guy is out here murdering people. Hone that anger and point it at the guys controlling you.
  8. TBH I'm not in the head space to get too into it but yes - our politics are actually very centered at all. I don't recall who said it but it's true - the left of today would have been the right of a few decades ago. The change I'd like to see if primarily in the sense of the methodology. I don't think we should be voting on names/faces. IMO we should be: Able to vote online Voting on the things we value, not a name For example, it could be multiple choice; you'd choose between things like "pro/anti abortion" etc. Based on your selections of values, they'd be weighted and tied to a party Honestly a LOT of people have NO FUCKING CLUE what the hell they're voting for. They're voting right/left because they see it as either "I am progressive!" or "I have good Christian values!". It's VERY us vs them and it's terrible. I think a lot of people would be surprised with the person or party they'd land on if they actually put their values on paper and were told "Oh you actually look like you prefer the Green Party!" (one of the parties in Canada). Everything in politics is fucked and people need realize it, accept it, and push for change.
  9. Pretty much yeah. We don't point the finger as much as the States, we're not SO divided, but as far as voting goes at least, most people will tell you you're basically throwing your vote away by voting for anyone but the big 2. I had a big post typed up but I prefer not to get into it, suffice to say I wish we could make a change.
  10. Just too many "you"s going around. Trying to nip that in the bud.
  11. When I play shmups that allow for both buttons to be pressed like in ShmupSpeed, I usually have my one thumb covering both buttons and pressing both in turn; it works quite well for a burst fire effect.
  12. How is that offensive? A man who has trained to cook Spanish food doesn't have to be from Spain to cook better, or even more authentic, Spanish food than the natives. I'm Canadian and I consider myself to be actually quite the good cook but I promise you there's some guy in France or Belgium or something that makes better poutine than me, and that doesn't offend me in any way. Why do people get offended FOR other people? None of the people on Gordon's show are offended by his love and reverence for their cuisine. Virtue signaling and white knighting is really getting out of hand these days.
  13. I do my best even on PC to avoid Steam. I far prefer DRM-Free services like GOG, where I can download a file and will have the game forever regardless of the status of the platform through which I obtained the game. Through GOG I TRULY have a digital library of games that I will always have access to and can take anywhere, as well as even share with as many people as I like without any limit whatsoever. DRM free is 100% the way to go IMO.
  14. My wife is a total wimp with spice, which sucks for her cuz she misses out on cajun food. I'm just giving the Americans a hard time.
  15. Y'all must like your food freakin' BLAND son.
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