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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Lol what sense does that even make? Are Americans known for liking spicy things over there? In my experience they're mostly wimps. xD
  2. You'd be surprised to hear the thing THE RIGHT is into. xD
  3. You know who loves sweet pickles? THE RIGHT.
  4. In these unprecedented times, VGS has turned to olives for salvation.
  5. It's a thread about frickin olives.
  6. Are we best friends yet?
  7. I've decided to implement "dislikes" on the site strictly so I can down vote this comment.
  8. I'm not sure it'd be that much of an issue tbh. I believe that they'd have trouble printing the art on the disc, being the main thing; I imagine it'd be pretty easy to spot a fake. Also it should be noted that this uses an exploit found specifically within the dvd read software on the ps2. Not to say it's impossible for it to work the same way on PS3 etc, but obviously ps3 and beyond use Blu Ray players with newer firmware. It's technically possible that nobody ever found and fixed the issue, but that'd also have to be a bit of a coincidence with the change in physical tech.
  9. Get one more and make a trip up to Canadaland and we can play 4-player at my place.
  10. I have trouble believing that review as I drink the coffee regularly lol. Wait what is "sleep"?
  11. @Shawn It's not your place to tell people how to conduct themselves on this forum. OP is free to bump their thread once per day according to the site rules whether their stuff moves or not. If you're curious why someone would bump their threads despite few or no bites, you can PM them and be less hostile about it. Otherwise warnings will be issued.
  12. I've been slowly playing through Gauntlet Legends.
  13. He says, surrounded by old men whose entire personality is "I COLLECTED EVERY SINGLE NES GAME (except that one expensive one)!".
  14. Nope just planning at the moment so no deaths just yet.
  15. It's a game from 2001 for crying out loud!
  16. Going live now with some more Old School Runescape! I'm prepping right now to do another really tough boss with one-hit death mechanics. Fun stuff.
  17. You probably are already generally aware of this but I figure doesn't hurt to share in case - if you have trouble propping up the Switch just right while lying in bed, something like this can help a ton: https://www.amazon.ca/Tryone-Gooseneck-Nintendo-Samsung-Overall/dp/B01BXRDH08 I use one myself (not this one specifically) and they're great to get the perfect viewing angle even lying on your back. As for Pokemon - agree; you basically HAVE to add your own restrictions to make the game even minimally challenging. Very disappointed overall, the game was incredibly short and it felt like you moved at a break-neck pace through the gyms, with little to nothing else to do along the way. I loved in Gen 1 & 2 where you'd get sidetracked by Team Rocket etc. and Gyms weren't the ONLY thing carrying you forward through the game.
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