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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. What kind of salary would you say would be "living very comfortably" in Taiwan, in USD? I've actually considered what I might do in future since I can very easily work remote purely, I can build websites etc. and make Canada/US money from anywhere in the world, so I've been making a shortlist of "mid life crisis" ideas, and one is to move somewhere cool and just flat-out change my life up in that way.
  2. It's almost like having randos on the internet becoming famous is a...
  3. The Norway/Poland thing makes some sense, in a similar fashion to Irish/Scottish. Whites can hate other whites easily enough, given an excuse.
  4. I ask just out of curiosity unrelated to the topic at hand, to be honest. Like personally when I think "where do I want to end up in life" Taiwan has never been a place I'd consider. Not saying you made the wrong call or anything, just legit curious what made you go "yeah, Taiwan is where I wanna be". Do you ever regret it?
  5. Serious question: What made you move to Taiwan in the first place?
  6. Stop devaluing my expensive games!
  7. Speaking of, anybody looking for a copy of Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero on Switch? >_>
  8. So I purchased a game that I don't want to play, and it's now worth 3-4 times what I paid for it... I'm selling it.
  9. @Makar I bought my wife Sushi Go and we enjoy it, but honestly I almost always win simply because I am much better at math. We only have the base game; are there expansions and do they even the playing field in any way, or would I simply widen the ability gap between us by purchasing them?
  10. Bearing in mind not only the size of the poll, but the demographic of this forum. This group is by and large not the target market.
  11. Do you happen to know any? Bonus points if they happen to be chummy with the only other white guy living in Taiwan. >_>
  12. Very yellow consoles, yes, lol.
  13. Looking at the games it seems they probably priced every one of them out, even the ones you'll never actually get sold. This would be a solid deal at 700 or so maybe. And even then a fair bit of leg work and waiting, as well as a number of games you simply will never sell, just taking up space.
  14. There's no profit in flipping this.
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