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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. No it's not. It's just saying that one is VERY CLEARLY ON FIRE. Nobody has a perfect life and we all have issues to some degree. But if you look at two houses and one is on fire, you take care of the one on fire. After the fire is out you can of course check the other one for mold or whatever, and fix its problems, which are also perfectly valid and in need of fixing. Further, you keep pointing out info that you seem to think makes BLM look like some form of actual organization. This isn't PETA. You can't fire the admin team. It's a movement, not a company, many people from all walks of life, black or otherwise, support the movement.
  2. The point of the analogy is that one house is on fire RIGHT NOW so let's focus on it 'til it's fixed. How that ends up being such a difficult concept for people is beyond me.
  3. I don't get what point you're trying to argue here. You agree with me, great!
  4. You can't possibly be certain of that, let's all try to avoid putting words/thoughts/opinions into a dead man's mouth/head.
  5. Moved to The Gauntlet; the Guides, Analysis and Reviews section is more for if you are posting one of those. If you just want peoples' opinions on a game The Gauntlet is the place. As for the game itself I'm too biased, as it's one of my favorite games, like top 3. What do you think you're unsure of?
  6. Going live with some Call of Duty! Come say hi!
  7. That's totally fine, there was no other real way of playing the VC. He's using a SWITCH for YOUTUBE.
  8. He HAS a Switch, and claims to only use it for YOUTUBE of all things.
  9. I swear to god if you bought that to resell it...
  10. To be fair, the HD remasters sucked pretty hard. The PS2 is still the BEST way to experience Silent Hill 2. That said, I have a copy for sale if anyone is interested. >_>
  11. 8. Functionalry this is probably the best Zelda. Like to sit and play a game, boy does this one nail it. But it lacks fun dungeons, the shrines are all pretty samey, and weapon degradation had me not wanting to use my good weapons. All fixable though. Looking forward to the sequel and hoping there's a bit more story focus and Dungeon exploration.
  12. The thing that sucks for me is that I've only JUST started picking up the PS1 games that I never played growing up, and yeah - they're all goddamn expensive now. I DID pick some up prior to this and damn am I glad I did, I've made a sizable profit if I were to turn around and resell them. BUT I have no plans whatsoever to do any reselling, so now I'm just kinda half-lucky. I got some "great deals" by today's standards, but I also have some expensive purchases ahead of me. I'm expediting my buying PS1/2 games so I can pick up the more obscure titles that I want but aren't quite in the realm of "popular" or "known rare" before they get too too crazy.
  13. Aaaaand we're live! Come say hi! Today I'm hoping to get to the next tough spot on the quest, the finale. We'll see how it goes, but I should have around an hour or two to play!
  14. If everyone along the line took photos of what they received and what they put in, you'd have an accurate account of all of the items along the way, and would be able to make a claim if anything went missing. Since as far as I can tell you all are not doing so, you're SoL if something goes missing.
  15. Planning on doing another stream tonight, will be carrying on with the Dragon Slayer 2 quest on Oldschool Runescape now that I have obtained a Dragonstone! No set schedule really but I'll be aiming for around 5pm EST.
  16. The songs I know I like a lot, even if those songs are not many. 8/10.
  17. There's actually a thread on TG about the ShmupSpeed site, and I didn't even prompt it myself or anything - some random guy stumbled upon the site and decided to share it!
  18. Definitely looking forward to this. It looks so far to have captured the feel of the original pretty accurately with the gameplay, so that's dope.
  19. What pisses me off is the multi-game carts that only have one game and you have to download the others (Resident Evil Revelations comes to mind). But yeah if there are game carts that don't even have tho gull game that's ridiculous. Physical NEEDS to remain an option for people with little or no access to the internet.
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