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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. At ~20 presses per second, her answer will definitely be "no".
  2. That is one seriously in depth blog post / interview. Thanks a lot for putting that together, serious dedication!
  3. I should note of course that Shmupspeed is just based on the Hudson Shooting Watch. The idea was that you'd be able to go to my site and test your skills with any controller since it's a website (you can use a controller plugged into your computer at shmupspeed.com!). The Shooting Watch itself has a different style of button and handles each press slightly differently from an NES controller. My best so far with my Shooting Watches is in the 140-150 range.
  4. I can only do so many attempts at once because yes, it causes pretty severe burns.
  5. Hmmmm. The game does have a music track and sounds when you shoot. It could be that the version on the site is older/pre-music.
  6. Or maybe these games have been historically undervalued. There's really no over or under value when it comes to the second hand market. Things simply go up and down.
  7. Seriously guys the generosity to the charity means a lot to me, it's really really appreciated! I'm not even out here asking and you're all just on it. Ya love to see it.
  8. The only song I know of hers is that crappy Christmas song.
  9. I made another attempt and landed at 183. Two shy so I've not bothered to post it.
  10. My friend came over just before Covid lockdowns came into effect and we played on my 10" CRT. As we were winding down he said "let's do one more, I think you know what to do". I booted up Temple with Slappers Only and first to 5 and we went to town, instantly fun every time. Disclaimer: he and I had never actually played Goldeneye together prior to this.
  11. I disagree. I'd consider myself quite open to the ideas of others, even those I'd currently consider preposterous. I'm sure I'm not alone.
  12. I'm waiting for my physical copy so I can play on the CRT. The wait... it hurts.
  13. I only see one - peg. But Peg is a troll, so...
  14. I only have 24.5k gamers core, but I only used it for competitions.
  15. The funny thing is I had already done everything required for the platinum prior to trophies being released. So I ended up doing it all a second time. xD
  16. My favorite platimun to get was Metal Gear Solid 4, ignoring that I burnt through 3 ps3 consoles doing so.
  17. The game has multiplayer trophies so getting those done can be a huge pain in the ass today. The only "hard" trophy is to get 3 strikes in 10 pin, but it's pretty cheatable. Looks like the multiplayer may actually be what they had left last there, assuming they're getting Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic in the screenshot.
  18. If he DOESN'T roll the score, I'll change it to "4 inch tapeworm 8=D"
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