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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I buy most of my modern games digitally for PC so not much changes. I'll probably go digital-only on PS5. I already tried it on PS4 and it was... meh. I still don't think that the digital realm is prepped for an all digital world, but it's the way it is.
  2. Awesome, I never knew that and I've played this game many times over. Well done! Now I'll have to do the same so I can see it in person!
  3. Yeah easy 10. I'll happily play it any time, and for a long time each time.
  4. I'm playing some Old School Runescape right now, come and join me! Say hi!
  5. I've been mulling it over and have decided to try and stream on Twitch more often, seeing as it's been requested by a few of the folks that regularly attend my Extra Life streams. I'll update this thread with more info if I end up committing to a schedule or anything, but beyond that I'll let you know in here if/when I plan to do streams in general. If I'm online right now, you'll be able to watch here (or you can always check out clips from past streams!): .twitch-container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; padding-top: 56.25%; } .twitch-iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
  6. Gloves


    Demon's Souls Remastered yessssssss.
  7. We could always add a catch-all "FS/O/T", if that's something people want. We could also add a "Conditions vary" tag. I can get those added now. EDIT: Added.
  8. Today we're announcing the release of two new systems to make transacting with others on VGS even more enjoyable: Classifieds and Feedback! In a nutshell, Classifieds gives you a new marketplace style section of the site to buy, sell, and trade for video games, related items, and other collectibles. Same idea as the existing subforums, but in more of a marketplace kind of style. Note that we're going to continue to support the subforum as a method of making deals with each other, and leave it up to you to use the system that feels right for you personally. That said, I think you'll like the new system and the tools it brings to the table. For more info on Classifieds, check out the guide here: Classifieds Feedback is tied into Classifieds, but is not reliant upon it. In other words, you can leave feedback for other users of the site based on a transaction that comes out of a Classifieds listing, OR you can leave feedback for many other things on the site. If you prefer to use the BST subforum for your transactions, you can simply leave feedback after a transaction by visiting a user's profile and clicking on "Add Feedback" and referencing the sale/trade thread for the transaction. Similarly, you can even leave feedback for non-monetary transactions. As long as it's "transactional" it can be counted; one example would be if you're making a homebrew and you hire an artist to do concept art for your game. More info is available on restrictions in the guidelines at the link below. We ask that you not abuse the system and should note that it will be monitored. Just use it within reason. Piling on positive feedback to a person so they look legit will not go well, nor will negative review bombing a user because you don't like them. Just use it sensibly and I think we'll be fine; you an always ask a staff member if you're not sure. For more info on Feedback, check out the guide here: Feedback That's all for today! Feel free to ask any questions in this thread, but make sure you've read the guidelines before doing so to save us answering the same questions over again, please and thanks.
  9. Lemme know if you need a hand with any testing or cleaning up your thread further, happy to help you get things set up.
  10. Yeah looks like Excel doesn't play so nice. If not that, at the very least SOMETHING you're doing is appending a bunch of pretty garbage html. I might suggest using something that was designed for copy-pasting to web, like Google Sheets, if possible. Excel isn't inherently built for this, and can run into issues. I did go into your thread and remove the empty space at the bottom, but I can imagine that this might not be a sustainable way for you to handle the thread in general.
  11. Of course; it runs all year. Just Game Day itself is in November.
  12. You really want me to force people to use a single version? Cuz I can... and it ain't gonna be the dark one...
  13. I'll try using it again and see if I notice anything. The reason I stopped is there was enough times when someone copies something and it keeps some of the formatting so you'll get black text on a white background (or sometimes even black text on the normal black background). Not sure if there's anything you can really do to fix that though. Test test. Yeeaaahhhh copy-pasting for whatever reason keeps the dark background. You'd have to right-click and paste as plain text, like so: I'll try using it again and see if I notice anything. The reason I stopped is there was enough times when someone copies something and it keeps some of the formatting so you'll get black text on a white background (or sometimes even black text on the normal black background). Not sure if there's anything you can really do to fix that though.
  14. Nope, the first shipment hasn't gone out yet.
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