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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Picky is good man, that's great. I'll look at adjusting these things for sure. I agree - the white on dark is quite bright, could do with some toning down. Also yeah - need to add some color back in, it was lost in translation by the look of things.
  2. Yeah I don't really like dark mode on forums, personally. When I am reading I like black text on white background.
  3. It... actually doesn't look bad lol.
  4. Hey all, I don't use Dark Mode personally so I don't really see any of the pain points some of you out there might with using it. The theme has been pretty minimally adjusted by me thus far, and this week since I am on vacation I've started poking around trying to make things more enjoyable around here. If you have any feedback specific to the Dark Mode theme please let me know. Literally anything at all; I can't guarantee I'll get to it right away or that I'll be updating EVERYTHING you ask for, but I'd like to make the experience better for everyone on the site, regardless of which theme you use. So if you're already using Dark Mode please look forward to some changes coming, I've already made a few today. Otherwise, like I say, please let me know if there's anything about the theme that you'd like updated! Colors changed, things made more clear/obvious, etc.. Thanks!
  5. Well shit maybe we should open up the trades on VGS to allow furniture.
  6. Gloves


    Well now you've jinxed it.
  7. Read this: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/06/us/what-is-defund-police-trnd/index.html Defunding doesn't necessarily, in all cases, mean straight up removing the entire department wholesale. It's a spectrum that could be anywhere from that, to simply diverting much of the funds to social programs etc.. Personally I do believe that removing much to nearly all of the power from police, and/or requiring far more rigorous requirements for hiring, will go a long way. The fact is simply that what exists does not work. You're not supposed to be afraid of these people as a normal law abiding citizen. Nobody should have the ability to do any of the things we've seen come to light recently with total immunity from the law that they are supposed to be upholding.
  8. Don't do that, that's where your precious brain is stored you fool!
  9. I have the following for offer. If you're going to message me please have an idea of what you'd like to spend, and let me know what that is. I'm not much into haggling - be semi-reasonable and I'll probably give you the deal you're hoping for. I'll ship anywhere, just consider what shipping will be and include it in your offer. One regular sized game to the States with tracking will cost around $12 USD, for reference. As I say though, you can likely make up the difference in how nice a guy I am. AI: The Somnium Files Celeste (LRG) Collection of Mana Dark Souls Remastered Dead Cells LE Sealed (PAL) (Switch is region-free) Hollow Knight Special Edition (w/ brooch etc.) Minit (SRG Special Edition) Octopath Traveler Oniken + Odallus Collection Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero Ultimate Edition
  10. Checks that went out, plus a lot of people bored at home. I imagine the latter has actually done more to fan the flames.
  11. This is something I've mulled around in my head for a bit and I'm curious the level of interest for something like this. Basically the thought in my head is roughly as follows: Build a small team of VGS members who stream their gameplay sessions on Twitch (or other) Not limited to staff, but vetted by them In other words, you can sign up for the team and we'd check out your content a bit, make sure it's appropriate (e.g. not just a hangout and chat session, we'd want you playing games), and then get you on as a content creator on the team Feature their streams on the site Maybe including some sort of live feed page which shows off who's currently online playing games I have two main questions for you all: Would you be interested in watching the gaming streams of such a group of individuals? Would you be interested in being part of such a "team" and "repping" VGS in a way? Whether this becomes a thing is entirely in the air, I'm mostly just thinking out loud at the moment, and if it does happen the structure may well change. But it's something that if I just leave it in my head it has no chance at all so here it is. Let us know your thoughts!
  12. It feels weird to say it in this thread of all threads, but let's try to keep the topic on discussion lol. I don't want to see real debate drowned out by the technodrome. >_>
  13. When did this turn into a being discriminated against dick measuring contest? Everybody pause, take a deep breath, and straight up RESTART your conversations in here before the thread gets closed and/or people start getting individual warnings. I slept in so didn't get to watch the shit show pile on in real time and just had to read through the last few hours of stuff, and I'd say nobody's being particularly good in here. NOBODY should be pointing at anyone else and making assumptions. This is like the one fuckin' serious rule in here - don't attack each other. Talk about your disagreements, talk about why you think the other person/side is wrong, yes. DO NOT call each other names, or make assumptions about each others' life experiences. Nobody should be in here defending their experiences; you can share, sure, but all I see is a bunch of "I have it worse than you so you couldn't understand". This is baby shit. Try again.
  14. I do at the least agree that the whole "peoplekind" thing was a bit of a stretch. "Mankind" is just a shortened "Humankind"; if we're gonna re-lengthen the word to be more inclusive just go back to saying the original word which encompasses all. As for why he was wrong, blackface is generally accepted as being a negative thing and has been so for a long time. You don't have to agree that it is or should be seen as negative, but the fact remains that he has personally decided that it is, and that it's not the way he wants to be perceived. The way he's treating it is the point, not the fact that it was done. Again, the difference here is the ability to see and own up to one's mistakes, rather than doubling down on them. You don't have to agree that what he did was an actual mistake to at the least be able to respect the ability to learn and grow and change.
  15. It's fairly simple for me, he's done something you'd never see the likes of Trump do: admit he was wrong and apologize. "I never talked about this. Quite frankly, I was embarrassed," Trudeau told reporters on Sept. 19. "It was not something that represents the person I've become, the leader I try to be, and it was really embarrassing." I can personally respect the ability to accept one's mistakes, and try to move past them.
  16. Pretend you're in a race. The starting gun has been fired, and the other racers have taken off running. You, however, sit at the starting line and call the race a hoax. A couple laps in you realize "maybe this is an actual race that I am participating in!", and start to jog, every so often slicing off one of your fingers because they're not helping your feet move more quickly (goddamn fingtards). The race isn't over yet, we have at least a few laps to go. But like, how you feeling about your chances of winning?
  17. I'd like to point out that Canada has had fewer total cases than the States has had deaths. The argument could be made that the US has more people and this is certainly true - 10x more people. But even if we extrapolate the numbers out and multiple our cases and deaths by 10x, Canada has less than half the total cases, and a decent bit below half the total deaths in the US. We're neighbors, and we basically encompass "western civilization" between the two of us. But we've done doubly as well as the States by any reasonable measurement using cold hard numbers. As far as who dealt with it better, I'd give Canada maybe a B? US I'd give a D. F to me would be devolving to the tactics taken by the Chinese government. At the very least the US still allowed basic rights to (most of) it's citizens. Canada only really had to ask us all nicely and we followed the rules provided, by and large.
  18. We're not planning on reviving international travel, if anything, for how poorly other countries are handling things. Internally we're handling it quite well, by the numbers. I judge "doing well" by the death toll primarily, and in that regard the States has failed most supremely.
  19. Canada is doing comparatively well, and we're arguably the most apt country for comparison. I do notice that every post you make about other countries you fail to bring up the USA's neighbor.
  20. The police are doing a fine enough job of that.
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