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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Yeah, so plugged in, the Sony doesn't really... Fit. Lol. I might find some other place or use for it, but honestly right now I'm preferring the JVC. That said, I can imagine how a better input on a bigger Sony might look a good bit better. Interestingly, the video on the Sony seems like it might be tilted a bit, I'll have to look into the settings and see if this can be resolved. Edit: looks like taking it apart and adjusting the "yoke" is the fix. Edit edit: actually, looking back and forth between the two, the colors on the pvm are definitely more vivid. I'll have to check the settings on the JVC to see if they're turned low or something, or if it's legit just better on the Sony.
  2. Ok so for some reason I thought I have an 8" JVC but I actually have a 10". So the Sony is a bit smaller. Interestingly, they are the same physical height, and so don't actually look too bad side by side lol.
  3. Ok so things apparently move fast when I put effort in. I've got a Sony PVM (9L2) being delivered today. I'd like a 14" monitor but for now I'll take what I can get. This will be a minor upgrade size wise, but input wise it'll have many more options. I will, I guess, have to upgrade the Switch as well to account for the new options, but as it stands I should be able to do a straight up swap.
  4. I mean to be faaaaair, the Game Boy Micro is still very popular to this day. Of course, the Gameboy had good games...
  5. If you're interested I can sell you my NES PowerPak. I won't need it with the NT Mini coming... whenever those ship. Call it $100 USD shipped. Otherwise, Aliexpress or ebay (at a markup) will be your options. You'll want 72 pin since that's NTSC. Famicom is 60 pin.
  6. Is there a reason you need it physical? TBH if you're going to be playing in the weekly contest and don't mind having repros anyway, I might suggest considering a Powerpak or Everdrive instead, that's the route I went. It'd probably get to you faster, too, and be generally more reliable.
  7. Runescape and FF Tactics. Little bit of Assassins Creed Origins mixed in.
  8. Aliexpress, where they originate. They're like $7.
  9. To be clear, I'm not against "upgrading" the television, but to be honest I do actually like it as-is quite a bit. 8" is a nice little size for the corner of my room, and I do sit pretty darn close to it. I'm not dedicating a whole room to this, it's literally my bedroom which I share with my wife. I'm just video-game-ifying my own little corner of the room. Biggest I might go is like 14" TOPS, and even that I don't think would quite fit, I'd have to do measurements. It has to be able to fit nicely on top of my half-sized Billy Bookshelf (from IKEA). I might consider a PVM if the RGB etc. is really THAT big a difference, but it's SUPER rough getting one out here for under $500, if any are ever available at all. And the whole covid thing has me not really all that capable of doing pickups. So could be quite some time before I can get another TV.
  10. Sharing cuz relevant. Well worth the watch.
  11. I'm still considering getting a turntable but man I am so lost on that shit.
  12. For reference: (the computer monitor has been removed)
  13. I hate this and I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Harumph.
  14. Yeah but surely the disk is running an application to get the game onscreen.
  15. I mean, technically SGB and GBP are applications, as much as an emulator is. So...
  16. It's available right now. The site is just INCREDIBLY SLOW, and possibly straight broken:
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