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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. North America almost always gets the worst collector's editions.
  2. Yeah I don't really agree w/ Switch or other modern console emulation/hacking. Ideologically anyway. I think it's interesting as a tech person, but I also think that the minds behind that stuff could certainly be doing better things for the world. It should be noted also that many disc-based emulators actually support loading from official discs. That's how I used to play FF12 on my laptop - I used an emulator, yes, but I was inserting my own FF12 disc into the laptop to load and play it. In many cases the greater power afforded the PC/laptop can mean a smoother experience than on original hardware. Just a sidenote.
  3. I certainly wouldn't say they all do, but I've seen it from some big ones a few times at least. Movies ARE a bit different though, in that just about every movie out there can be experienced with a few clicks for a few bucks. Show me an official, legal way of playing EVO Search for Eden (an expensive to buy snes game) (for example) or any other number of snes, nes, N64, etc games, and I'll eat my hat. There's a decent argument that if the company isn't providing some way for me to play their old games, outside of the second hand market, that it's pretty fair game to obtain it by some other means. They're not profiting when I buy a game off ebay, and thus they are not losing money when I emulate it.
  4. Masks finally came in the mail, so now I don't have to look like a cowboy with a bandana.
  5. I dunno if I'd call newspapers comparable. My main point is just try to be generally less confrontational about stuff, I don't see a need for it, and it's really just not the environment we're trying to cultivate. Not that we all need to go around sucking each other off or anything, and this ain't kiddy's playhouse where we all need to subscribe to the same ideologies (by all means, disagree with me or anyone on anything). I'd simply like to see things steered in a more helpful manner if we can help it. For instance, instead of "this isn't the place for this" we might go with "here's my thoughts, but this other place might be better suited to give you the best answer". Keep in mind too that you don't always HAVE to get the BEST answer for everything in life. Eating out at Olive Garden isn't a bad thing just cuz you COULD go to one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants. OP has an account here and clearly trusts/respects the judgement of the users on this site enough to go to them about this, and I think that's perfectly valid.
  6. To be clear, I have no problem with your viewpoint nor with you expressing it. I just don't think it's good to be running around being negative about it is all. Little one/two word jabs aren't helping, and mostly weaken your argument tbh. As for this being the only hobby where this is generally tolerated/accepted, I'd be curious what other hobbies you're into? Comics/manga are an example where it's even "worse" - basically every comic in existence I can obtain for absolutely free with a few clicks and no money lost. Same goes for regular ol' books now I think of it - PDFs of books are easy to obtain, by and large. Movies, same deal. Basically anything you could imagine obtaining on thepiratebay, really. Further, you can easily print out art you don't own the copyright for. It's also technically not allowed, but most print houses don't give a shit. If you find the one in your town that refuses to print out a poster for you of a Van Gogh painting, just go a few blocks to the other place and they'll do it for you. I am actually having trouble thinking of a comparable medium that DOESN'T have the same environment surrounding copies.
  7. Ooh nice; that's my buy price! Shame it's not likely the same price in Canada. Edit: OOF
  8. "Go somewhere else to get an answer" is absolutely not right; we have gamers from all walks here, and OPs question is perfectly valid here. And jabbing at people about "theft" is just being negative. Definitely not the vibe for VGS. Feel free to ask any questions on this site you like. If a mod feels it's inappropriate, THEY will say something. Users don't need to be mini-modding the site. Report it and move on quietly if you have a problem, and we will judge each case individually.
  9. You can make the account require login, and then the buyer would have to add their own profile. Different profiles on the same PS4 can play games downloaded by other profiles. That's how this works, if I recall correctly; been a while since I even booted up my PS4.
  10. They don't sell particularly often, but here's some sold listings on the bay (prices in CAD):
  11. @LaytToTheParty Competition carts definitely not. We'd not require NWC carts for NES set. The other two are kinda in the air. I'd take opinions on it. If you submitted a request for the SNES set right now I'd probably not care enough to debate it and just give it to you. I've not helped anyone, to my knowledge.
  12. HMMMMM. Dunno. If you didn't ask I'd prob miss em, but now that you've asked...
  13. As has been mentioned N64 isn't alone in this. Just checked GVN for another game for a different console I've been holding out on (idiot...), and here it is today:
  14. Looking up prices and unfortunately for me one of the main games I'm still missing seems to have spiked a bit, as you might expect. If anyone has a CIB Goemon (either/both of them) and has a soft spot for giving me a deal, please reach out to me lol.
  15. Getting kinda glad I've basically completed my N64 collection.
  16. I got my Analogue DAC all hooked up so now I can play my Super NT and Mega SG on my CRT (so many acronyms lol). Looks an works great!
  17. We can do Wiki style editing as you describe, and Staff can see edit history.
  18. As for getting more eyes on this, feel free to @ people as you've already done. They'll get notified and come looking. Observe: @LaytToTheParty Just don't go crazy and @ the whole forum or something.
  19. The forum software is Invision Community (every page in the footer gives a link that says "Powered bu Invision Community". The code base is a PHP framework. I should note that I don't have quite as "direct" access (easily) as the "database access" that many devs would be thinking of. We have an interface through which we can build databases, and these function as structures. I'm not popping onto MySQL Workbench and sending SQL to a database to build anything, and if possible would like to continue avoiding doing so. One of the reasons I went with this forum software is to AVOID situations that some people seem still concerned about, such as me going rogue and selling the place, and to keep things accessible for the next person/people who pick it up; I'm a developer, but I make no such assumption of whoever else may one day take the reigns. First off, I have no intention whatsoever of doing so (selling) ever for any reason. I won't go into too much detail suffice to say that I GAVE UP money to make this happen - I was previously working directly with GoCollect, on their payroll as a freelance contract web developer and designer. I walked away from that due to conflict of interest and ideology in order to bring this forum to light, with the community being the force behind it being #1. I don't want this group of people to live under a Dain or a GoCollect, and the moment I start acting in any such way I encourage you all to call me out so I can either curb that shit, or fuck off. I've also already turned down money for running ads on the site from a couple of companies that will remain unnamed. Not that I begrudge them for offering, honestly it's humbling and wonderful that people were so interested in our forum that they see value enough in it to invest. But fuck that, honestly - if we have a sponsorship of any form then we'll be beholden to "playing nice", and nobody in the community would want that. Go ahead and say "Fuck GoCollect" or "Wata sucks" or whatever, they are companies and we are free to judge them as we see fit, and it's going to stay that way. /rant I tend to ramble on these things and make mini novels because I'm passionate about it. I've been searching for YEARS for a community that I can give my all to and goddamned if it ain't this one. And if that flame ever fizzles, it'll be handed over wholesale to an existing staffer, more likely an admin, to take the reigns. That person would be heavily vetted by the community. Anyway. Yeah, migrating one of the existing lists to a database is the most feasible and likely scenario for us to start with.
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