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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I was primarily referring to how it relates to the OP of the thread, but certainly, point taken.
  2. We really only need one thread for this, and I think it belongs better where it was.
  3. Nice thanks for making this thread. I'll let the conversation go on a bit and stay mostly out of it, to let other people get their words in without me sounding like I'm dictating direction.
  4. I thought you meant posting the photos, misunderstood. Realistically whatever we do, we will likely start with the NES.
  5. You cannot use photos you don't own. As for starting, there's some stuff in the works at the moment, though nothing positively concrete. Consider that we have people from all walks of live - Players, collectors, and builders. Pleasing everyone at once is gonna be impossible, so we have to assess what we can do, and prioritize. You can get a general sense for what is currently possible by looking at the Homebrew and Retro Stores databases. They're like a rough start to give people a sense for it.
  6. No copying content that you do not own from other sites. Let's strive to make even better things ourselves.
  7. Refer to my other response on that other thread, but to sum up: copying content from any other site is not allowed unless you are the original poster. We're not going to make a database of content ripped from another site, including NA.
  8. See Tanookis post just above yours. To my knowledge what he says is the case - you can repost stuff you've written yourself anywhere you want. However, it's not allowed when you post things from another site without at least the original writers permission. So anything you've moved over ver batim from NA that isn't your own will have to be removed. This stands to reason for literally any site, not just NA - you can't go grab someone's guide from atari age or wherever else and just repost it here.
  9. I'm not a puzzle guy so someone else would be better to ask there, but I can give at least a personal example. I'm in a similar situation to you where I have baaaasicarly everything I want already. But then I played Red Star on PS2. I had never heard of it and now it's actually one of my favorite action games on the system. It has coop that's really fun, and it's a fairly challenging game at times. You don't exactly see it on a lot of lists online. Samurai Western is another I'd not heard of much but picked up and enjoyed.
  10. Those definitely aren't the only two options. For example, option 3 is a new type of hunt: find games you didn't know about that you might like. I guarantee there are games for systems you collect for that you simply didn't know about, but would enjoy. Take time, do research, try em, buy em. Complete sets are PURELY bragging rights. I'd certainly never go for one, waste of time, money, and space.
  11. If I had any graded games they'd be on HA right now.
  12. Are the games graded? That's a requirement.
  13. I used to run a PS2 emulator playing FFXII on my work laptop, ~8 years ago.
  14. It's slabbed and sitting on HA.com; what more reason to buy do these people need?
  15. The following is the Terms of Use in it's entirety from NA ver batim, prior to the purchase by GoCollect: For reference, here's the part you're looking for:
  16. You're new no I can't blame you not knowing but we DO have some databases on here already. Check the main menu under "databases" to see what kind of stuff we can do with this forum software. I can do even more (I'm a senior full Stack developer), but we need to be mindful of not wasting user's time and effort etc.. For reference the forum software is Invision Community. I've been pretty against "rebuilding the wheel" but looking at the data some users have been providing I'm starting to come around to the idea that we could maybe do it better than exists elsewhere.
  17. Have you seen the retro game stores and homebrew games database we've already released on VGS? The hard part would be if we wanted dynamic data like prices etc..
  18. Tbh it's not that hard to make a database, and it's easier that way to make the data more streamlined and user friendly, rather than every user deciding for themselves what to post and how.
  19. I'm considering providing a database that would be purely informational and fact-based. Something like the "100% complete NES game contents" list, provided by the crazy dudes that have been opening sealed games to get their contents documented. I'd like to at least stay away from subjective and/or changing information, such as prices and "rarity", to make sure things are somewhat "eternal", as best we can.
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