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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Keep in mind a lot of people responded to this poll prior to the USA getting stimulus cheques. Further, the people here don't necessarily represent the majority of auction bidders.
  2. Coffee also. Starbucks True North.
  3. Its cool, I just got past the Skypeia arc so your post paled in comparison. Welcome!
  4. I have a ps4 with PT on it. Waiting to rake in the doooouughhhhh!
  5. Maybe you guys can help me out here: What fields would you want? Give me your perfect world ideas and I'll see what I can do to meet your needs, with no promises upfront. There's a fair bit I CAN do though so hit me with whatever you need and I'll try.
  6. LMAO. The key right now is to be first to auction, nothing else matters. If Spiderman on Atari is gonna go for 9k, God of War for 3k, etc., we're 100% looking at people who know nothing about video games just buying shit in auctions purely because it's made it to auction. Go on, grade basically anything. Get it on HA and you'll make money.
  7. Gloves

    Instagram Tips

    This is my most popular Instagram photo so far:
  8. Yeah that shit. Looks so bad.
  9. I'm not really concerned about $5 games tbh; I came into this mentally prepared to spend ~$50 a piece, doing no research. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me they were more, or less. I have Dolphin loose but somehow EVERY SINGLE loose copy of Dolphin in existence seems to be... covered in oil?
  10. Yeah people are just tossing all their cash at the first graded auction they see, presuming these are super rare. Outsiders with money and no care for research.
  11. Graded? E: I presume graded, and people are just being idiots tossing all their money at the first graded auction they see. Here's a sealed on ebay right now, with hangtab:
  12. Eeeehhhh but those are quite popular for their own reasons. Hopefully those aren't impacting... Moon Patrol... Too much?
  13. PS1 being one of my favorite consoles I have a decent collection for it, and really just the games I wanted, no filler. So I'm sitting on a surprise gold mine right now. Definitely not planning on selling much/anything though, as I bought these games to keep and play. Interesting seeing games I bought for $50 quintupled in value though.
  14. *readies pitchfork*
  15. I've only actually played the original Paper Mario so I'll be going into this with basically no expectations skewed by the games that followed, good or bad.
  16. Ugh seriously? Are Atari games going up for no goddamn reason or something?
  17. Looking for a couple games. Condition important. I'd take sealed if it's what you have but note that I'll be opening em to play, so don't value them much more highly than CIB. Dolphin Moon Patrol Other suggestions (fun games?)
  18. I play shmups pretty regularly; I actually played Einhander through a few times last week! Right now I'm feeling a sit-down and relax to play a story kinda deal.
  19. Yeah I tried to stay somewhat silent about what I have and haven't played before so I could get peoples' personal opinions rather than a deluge of "If you've never played FF7 before are you even a gamer?". I've played FF7, Jade Cocoon, and FF Tactics before. BUT all of them so long ago that we're in the "have forgotten plot point specifics" territory where any of these would be an enjoyable playthrough.
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