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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Looked up some gameplay and it looks to be an ARPG, which isn't quite what I'm looking for at the moment. I'll keep em in mind for future though, thanks for the suggestion!
  2. Been slowly playing through AI: The Somnium Files. Honestly the characters are kind of flat compared to other SC games. Danganronpa and 999 et al were chock-full of character while this game feels kind of lacking in that department. I'll keep on with it but I've considered dropping it. I'm at ~4 hours in so far. I'll give it 6 or so before calling it.
  3. Yeah I've played a few. I have Einhander and it's great, as well as a Japanese ps2 with a number of shmups for it. Love em! Yeah I have both 1 and 2 but have never played em, and I've heard about 2 being amazing. I'd wanna play 1 before 2 though so that's why that's on there. I've played every Final Fantasy quite thoroughly multiple times! If I were to play a PS1 FF game right now I'd be most in the mood for 7 is all. I've not. Are they expensive? I'd have to pick em up to play em.
  4. Pick a game from the poll, or suggest a game! Specifically looking for an engaging rpg or maybe an srpg (hence ff tactics). The games in the poll I have on hand, but I'm always open to new experiences too! Help a guy out!
  5. That's not really what a beta is but hopefully it's good changes incoming.
  6. Would you guys fill up a database on the site if I made one for you to fill? (same idea as the homebrew games DB and Retro Game Stores)
  7. I've been saving a lot more money than prior to this. I was very quick to order in food before but now I am doing weekly grocery runs and while the initial pain of $100-150 on groceries was rough all at once, seeing the monthly food bill being around $300-400 rather than my usual $800 from eating out so much it's gotten much easier to handle.
  8. It looks like a Paper Mario game what more do you want? This is Mario, not The Last of Us. Princess captured - save her - adventure ensues along the way. This has literally been the formula since the NES.
  9. Not saying he hasn't, nor that he wouldn't, just that she REALLY wanted that to be the case. She jumped all over it.
  10. Damn, who pooped in your cornflakes?
  11. I mostly mean directed at the woman specifically.
  12. Tbh not sure, I only followed it loosely. There was a graded alpha set on ebay a few years ago marked at 1.25m, but no clue where that went.
  13. NWC would be the best comparison - you can still play the game/card all you want. But doing so ain't gonna win you any tournaments.
  14. You don't buy Stadium Events or an NWC cart to play it, same applies here.
  15. Yeah, multiple. Here's one: https://shop.tcgplayer.com/price-guide/magic
  16. A complete Alpha set would be worth about 4x more. Last year a complete set auctioned for $430k.
  17. Only 1100 Alpha Black Lotuses were printed, and 3300 Beta. And these are cards meant for playing with (and the majority found heavy play). Being little pieces of paper many were straight up destroyed. That said, Unlimited saw many printed and these were more likely what you and your friends had pass through your hands; even these are worth around 50k today. Nintendo required 10k+ units for print runs on the NES. We can argue up and down that SE was pulled before hitting shelves, but that's not to say there's not a big ol' pile of em sitting in some warehouse unbeknownst to us all. Nobody knows exactly how many were printed. Simply stated, nobody outside of us here and hardcore game collectors gives two shits about SE. Conversely, Black Lotus (and the rest of the Power 9) have mass appeal to 30 years' worth of MtG fans, old and new. ANYONE who plays MtG knows the Power 9. Ask some Xbox kiddie if he knows about Stadium Events and he'll look at you sideways. The MtG cards have CLOUT out the wazzoo.
  18. Firstly, absolutely childish of him to storm off, 100%. He can't handle THAT? Pathetic. BUT! The sitting woman w/ the questions was baiting HARD. Her first question was reasonable at least, and his response was garbage, but for her to turn around and be like "Why would you ask ME specifically to ask China?" like he's making some thinly veiled racist comment towards her is so weak that she lost me immediately. Sister, he would have responded with "CHYNA!" no matter who was asking what question. Had he the wit to do so he should have knocked that down rather than running away as it's very likely the perfect spin now for heavy leftist news to pick apart. He handed it to them easy.
  19. Uuuuuuggghhhh the one time I don't participate in a shmimperdoodle.
  20. We're working on it! Bit of a hitch with game expos being cancelled so we can't really take em to those to sell, but things are still moving forward. The guys in charge of the shirts are determining how many of what sizes we should get, then we're gonna make the order. Do rest assured that on my life those who ordered shirts will get them! This is our first time as a group putting this all together so learning as we go, you could say.
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