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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I remember renting Dino Peak as a kid and loving it. Damn shame the price of it CIB now is a bit out of reach for "I think I liked this game enough to own it". Heck even if I fuckin LOVED the game 2k+ USD is a bit steep hah.
  2. My current thinking is that emulation isn't broad enough a subject to warrant a whole subforum. Perhaps a dedicated thread for discussion.
  3. You're not wrong in that regard, it's a fair point, and reasonable.
  4. Friendly reminder that if a console thread meets its completion goal, all who participated in getting it done will earn a Charm on their profile! These will be unique to each time the goal is accomplished!
  5. People who use emulators to work on their homebrew games?
  6. Talking about those things isn't illegal and we're not hosting any ROMs on this site. To be honest, and this is just me, Doug, talking and not an "official VGS stance" or anything, I don't even see any issue personally with people saying stuff like "there's rom packs on pirate bay" or whatever. Look at how long it took Nintendo to crack down on the actual ROM sites hosting ROMs for free and easy download. Yeeeeears. And even after they did so people were like "Hehe waybackmachine" and Nintendo didnt/can't really do much about that. Personally I see no problem with us adding a section dedicated to chatting about emulators, especially as it pertains to stuff like "which is best?", "what features do they have?", and "what to use for developing my homebrew game", stuff like that. Where it might get tricky is if people start asking for others to share ROMs. To that personally I'd simply say do so in private. What I don't know can't hurt me in this regard. I can see your PM's (any admin can) by looking you up on the admin panel and logging into your account, but we do that so incredibly rarely (I've done it once to check on a known, banned scammer, to see who he reached out to so we could warn them) it's hardly worth a mention outside of simply disclosing for transparency (I've mentioned this before). All that to say - let's hear your opinions. I'd be interested to have this discussion out here in the public, so other staffers please feel free to chime in too.
  7. Graded games specifically are starting to appeal to those outside of specifically game collectors on a wider basis I believe. WWF is a good example - plenty of WWF fans who aren't necessarily game collectors, but want a show piece for their collection of WWF Memorabilia. Hulk Hogan on the cover? Check Presumed prestige on the item for being sealed up? Check Packaging looks nice? Looks fresh and minty? Check Original item from the correct time period? (i.e. not some flashback game, e.g. WWE Legends for the PS3) Check I think stuff like that, similar to comic book games, will start to bump prices on those specific items a bit more. Another example might be, say, action figure games, cartoon games, etc.. Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers on NES, along with the other cartoon games, will likely see even more price bumps due to the shows' mass appeal. That's just me thinking out loud about it though, I'm no professional with regard to keeping up to date on the grading/sale scene.
  8. Are they officially licensed? I saw some cool DBZ shirts not too long ago at the Eaton's Center Uniqlo. Usually they release a small line of clothes like this; anything else like it?
  9. How DARE you put <game I like> into spot #<high number>.
  10. My thinking on this and life in general in that doing something in better than doing nothing. If having a mask on has a chance of helping, I see no harm in wearing one. That's all. And that's not to mention too that stores around me now have a mask requirement for entry.
  11. I'm not one way nor the other with the December thing, but I DO find it somewhat hard to believe - in December people were out and about, visiting family for Christmas, etc.. I'd expect to see a big and concerning bump in overall death rates around that time if people were carrying it around. On the other hand maybe it was indeed popping around, and many of us have had and even gotten rid of/gained some immunity to it prior to Feb/March without even realizing it. Asymptomatic cases are the "norm" after all. Frankly I don't know which I believe so I opt for the careful approach - hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. I like living, generally speaking.
  12. I go out once a week or so, as little as I can help it, and unfortunately I can wear a mask all I want but it's not going to help me a damn lick if people who are carrying the virus don't wear one. And I see a LOT of people not wearing masks while I'm out and about. I'd say it's about a 50/50 ratio. Fortunately so far I've not caught it and I attribute that to only going out when absolutely needed, and when I do so I make very short and calculated trips. Straight into the closest grocery store, staying away from major roads (Yonge Street here in Toronto), and keeping to 6'+ distancing.
  13. Literally zero people get annoyed at your cartoons.
  14. I have 3 copies of the original AC on GC I was going to toss on ebay, but figured I'd offer em up on here first in case anybody wants to cut a bit of a deal now that the sale prices on it have gone up. Open to trades or straight PayPal. I'll note that I'm only going to be able to ship stuff out once a week, based on when I do my weekly grocery run, so please bear with me on that front. Also note that I live in Canada. Copy 1: Player's Choice, no mem card Copy 2: Non-PC, no mem card, price stickers on case Copy 3: Non-PC, WITH mem card, no stickers, though also not exactly flawless case I'll take pics if anyone expresses interest. As for price/value, consider me looking for like 15-20% under ebay for a trade/sale on here. I think that's reasonable.
  15. Them: Murder hornets Me:
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