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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I doubt it's manual manipulation, it simply makes no sense to make it looks at a glance like Stadium Events is $12. I'll let @Magus tell us whatever he feels comfortable (if anything) saying publicly. Not that he's beholden to do so or anything, I just don't want to speak for GoCollect personally.
  2. I added a piece to my Vue example which lets you input any number and it'll print out that many lines of FizzBuzz instantly below. ... Added another 9 and it took a moment, but it printed it out nonetheless:
  3. I've included this in my Vue implementation linked above. It's a fun little exercise to tear apart honestly, even if doing so goes well beyond the scope of the originally intended use.
  4. That's easy to fix using javascripts built in trim() function, which removes trailing and leading spaces.
  5. I don't think I see it posted yet - Hotline Miami Collection physical Switch up for order on SRG starting April 21. It's not a preorder, they'll ship out shortly after orders open.
  6. Google search "programmer interview questions" Copy-pasta Hire the most skilled candidate!
  7. Still don't want that job, stop trying to butter me up.
  8. Here's a quickie using Vue cuz I'm hip and cool and totally on top of the latest trends: https://codepen.io/DouglasGlover/pen/VwvvXXv
  9. It's never come up for me, though I've seen it in discussion numerous times online and solved it myself for "fun". If I was asked this question in an interview I'd be a cheeky fucker and say my solution is something along these lines: Open terminal Navigate to project folder Run npm install Run npm i fizzbuzz Load up a js file with the following (from Github): var fizzbuzz = require('fizzbuzz').fizzbuzz; for(var i=1;i<=100;i++){ console.log(String(fizzbuzz(i))); } Ezpz.
  10. Lots of great progress so far guys, keep up the great work! I'll hop back in hopefully soon, but I need to be in the mood and lately it's not struck me.
  11. One year for my birthday while I was going through a bit of a goth phase as a kid (grade 10 I believe) I mentioned that I wanted a trench coat. Now naturally in my head it was obvious what I meant - a big ol' black goth coat. Turn out "trench coat" is not the typical term for this, and my mom got me like a rain coat kinda deal. Looking back I think it might have been a fairly nice one, at the very least in a literal sense it was exactly what I asked for. I'll admit I was a bit of a brat about it and rejected the gift.
  12. I'm just gonna keep playing Runescape and working. Consistency is key for me right now to keep my mind off the IRL shit.
  13. Forum Meta: There's no place I can think of that would actually fit this sort of request, maybe we should add one. Let me know if you guys would like a place to put "For Hire" and "Hiring" threads similar to this one. The Actual Post: I'd like to get some personal sprites made of myself to use on social media. Ideally I'd like to get the following: 8-bit sprite 16-bit sprite N64/PS1 Polygonal 3D model I don't expect a single person to be able to fulfill all 3 orders, and I'd be willing also to hire multiple people for each. Not as a contest or anything, just straight up if I like your style I'll probably commission you, no competition here. So if you can do any of the 3 above please reach out! Specific to the 3D model, if anyone is able to do that kind of work I'd like the 3D model delivered as a Blender file if possible, so I can export it out to use in ThreeJS (a WebGL platform for loading 3D on websites). As for the sprites, I'd like them to be delivered as SVGs so I can scale them to my needs. I'd also prefer that the sprites/models not be based on pre-existing. What I mean is I don't want like a Final Fantasy sprite dressed like me, I can do that; I'm looking for YOUR personal flair. You can let me know how much you'd like to charge for the work, and I'll provide photos for you to work from.
  14. Either System of a Down or Linkin Park. Not 100% sure. I used cassettes for a good while.
  15. I wonder if the people who bought it at $70 will get a refund of the difference.
  16. Sorry I missed it, will accept once I get to my computer in a few minutes.
  17. Wolverine is straight from Wolverine #27; artist was Jim Lee. Silver Surfer I imagine is a similar case, though I don't know specifically which comic it's from if so.
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