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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. 9/10, I love this movie. Suggestion: Get Out
  2. Gloves


    I used a Genesis controller (was playing the Genesis version).
  3. >_> I don't think it makes for more strategy tbh, I'd argue it severely limits it. Consider that sending TOO many messages to TOO many people can backfire, and limiting PMs per day really just saves us from ourselves in that regard.
  4. I hope we do away with the max PMs rule, it feels silly to me personally.
  5. Gloves


    It's definitely something else, but I'm giving you games with similar styles of action as reference for my pain points. Even if we compare it directly to Metroid, the fact remains that the controls are more complicated. The base is as you say, yes, but the game gives you the ability to shoot in basiclly any direction. How other similar games handle it is more simple, you can shoot forward, diagonally up and down, and straight up and down. Ultracore has you able to shoot anywhere in between. Problem being that it's not a simple matter to move from say, shooting forward to shooting diagonally up towards an enemy, and keep hitting that enemy. You have to wiggle your gun cuz enemies are never positioned such that you can shoot a constant stream at them. Enemies mostly don't die in one hit either, so it's an annoying cat and mouse of trying to get your bullets to go where you want them.
  6. Gloves


    The style of action is similar to the ones I listed, but the map is certainly more Metroid, less linear. I was speaking just to the action part. You would think the controls might be simple by looking at gameplay but getting it in your hands it quickly becomes frustrating. It LOOKED like a game I'd enjoy, but then I played it.
  7. In the main nav of the site, go to Browse > Blogs, and then "Create a New Blog". The rest walks you through, just like posting a thread. Once you have the blog set up, you click "Add new entry" to make your posts.
  8. I do think it would be prudent to make this a blog instead of just posting in Collection Discussion. It's really not about collecting in general, this is a collection of lists you've made up. It more belongs in a club or blog. I'd personally suggest moving all of these over to one of the two, otherwise it's going to keep confusing people.
  9. Gloves


    The controls played a huge part in my frustration, as well as enemy placement. Way over complicated and difficult to manage, hitting enemies was a huge chore. Other games with simpler controls (Contra, Gunstar Heroes, Vectorman, Earthworm Jim) are all far more fun to play. It's hard to even give the game a real chance when the controls are so pointlessly overdone compared to the other games in the same genre that.
  10. Gloves


    I didn't like it, personally.
  11. I'm not sure to be honest. I'd have to ask around on their marketplace.
  12. I'd personally love to see more Survivor; I prefer it over Werewolf in fact. That said, it pops up significantly more rarely. That said, it does take an equal or perhaps even greater amount of planning from the person running it, and we only ever actually did like, maybe 3 total runs of it on NA? 2 of which were before my time, I only personally ever got to play once on NA. I'd suggest hopping in and having fun now while you can! If you can handle Werewolf and/or the weekly/monthly gaming contests, you're good to go.
  13. Gloves


    No it doesn't - if the question was posed as-is, the "answer" would be "yes", not "42".
  14. I'm 'laying roughly once a day or so. None today due to headaches.
  15. Of course an alternative would be to give up on it. Legit - some people simply don't find gaming fun, and that has to be ok for you. I like cooking and baking, my wife doesn't. I don't force her into the kitchen to make us dinner. You probably wouldn't like feeling like you're being forced to learn how to crochet or something.
  16. People who grew up not playing video games aren't going to enjoy the NES as their first foray into gaming, generally speaking. My wife never really enjoyed the older stuff, though she did have a ps2 that she didn't play all that much before I came along. We used to play a lot of Soul Calibur 2 together, and she liked watching me play God of War. Chicks dig stories and characters. She loves Overwatch because there's a whole sore behind it and every character has an interesting backstory; conversely she's totally not into military shooters like cod. The first game I was able to get my wife into was actually an MMO - Final Fantasy 14. She's actually played it more hours than me, and I've racked up over 3000 hours on it; I think she's put in around 3500 to 4k hours. It's something she can take at her own pace. Some stuff to consider there.
  17. Quick play before bed. I used to play at my grandparents place on Atari. Good times. 182,657 (r25)
  18. Fashioned a mask from an old shirt for my grocery run earlier today.
  19. Best I got was around 180. Playing it just made me wish I was playing Adventure Island 2.
  20. Aaahhhhhhh. I'd note then that in the current iteration of the contest, you do need to list what round you got to. With your current photo at least, it looks like you did it on level 1.
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