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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Mmmm yeah just says "Nintendo games". Loose Wii discs!
  2. I don't know that I'd say it should change, just saying that that's gonna be a likely winning strategy, since you can easily sit on level 1 and it won't force progression. It only really matters in the case of a tie, which would require more than likely for two or more people to reach the cap.
  3. Yeah not sure. I've only played on Atari and in the arcade prior to this (unless we've played in the NES contest before and I've forgotten, totally possible).
  4. Round 23 145953 Like other Doug, I may resort to point pressing level 1 due to how the rules have been set up. I prefer to play "properly" but here we are.
  5. She doesn't really play particularly long, and when she does she's usually lying down on her side. Asked her and she says it's not been an issue.
  6. Some people like a smaller console and don't like playing on the TV. It's cheaper and more portable. My wife has one and she's the perfect use case for it.
  7. I don't enjoy this game near as much as the other games in the series, so gonna call it here. Not my highest score, I intended to do more runs, but I'm just not enjoying it and this is the only photo I took since my last score. 123,620
  8. Yeah I mean, it's pretty harmless. Like it doesn't really hurt anyone at all that they'd use this service for this purpose. I've kinda pivoted on my thoughts on this having thought it over. My earlier thinking was that there's other options out there that would be better suited to it. But yeah, it's pretty harmless in the grand scheme.
  9. Yeah I'm sorry but this is not what this service was intended for.
  10. You should check out the show Taskmaster on Youtube (they put older seasons up on there, the show itself is a few seasons ahead of what's on YT). It's basically my favorite thing to watch right now, and the idea is similar to what you have here. Some sort of video game themed Taskmaster would be the tits.
  11. The rules don't state that you can't tape a bunch of games together and hold them by the tape. So the question is: how lenient are you on people following the rules but not doing it quite how you intended in your head?
  12. Getting those carrots is losing you points from the time it takes to get them lol.
  13. Maybe I can buy a copy of MUSHA soon.
  14. The only mask I wear is the one I put on every day to make people think I'm happy. T_T
  15. Have to keep in mind too though that having a shelter in place order, and the people following that order, are unfortunately two different things.
  16. They're absolutely gonna one month at a time it. It makes sense both because they don't know 100% - it's an ongoing and very new thing we're all dealing with, we have to go step by step. But also because if they come out now and say "We want you all to stay indoors as much as possible until next January" people will flip their shit.
  17. To be honest and this is purely objective, I didn't find the DB to be intuitive at all. I tried multiple times to track collections on it and found it pretty lacking. I personally track my collection on Backloggery (https://backloggery.com/Gloves_Off). I just don't think there's much value in us building a tool that other places do better because that's their main focus. There are plenty of collection tracking tools out there, and this is a place for video game discussion, generally speaking. We hang out, plays games together, and provide a forum for people to talk. That said, I HAVE started my own person project where I'm tinkering with the idea of making my own collection tracker which would be "Doug's perfect tracker for Doug". I don't know that it'll be something I end up giving other people access to though, I have my own personal set of needs and wants, and this tool would very specifically fulfill those - for me and just me. I've made many tools before for myself and shared them publicly and they often become a bit of a pain to maintain cuz suddenly I'm supporting what other people want and I dunno if I wanna go down that road with this. As for the forum software we're using here for VGS, it doesn't have anything that would support what you're looking for - no real way to have a games database and provide users the ability to say "I own this game" or "here's the list of games that I own". It's a forum, not a collection tracking tool. It COULD be built, but it'd have to be made custom. Either I (or someone else) could technically build it within the platform, and there are actually people you can hire to make stuff custom for your forum on the Invision (forum) software that we're using. It may look like something that is relatively simple from outside, but building these sorts of tools isn't THAT straight forward, honestly. It takes time and effort, and a lot of both.
  18. I won't have time any time to do a live game unfortunately; I joined up because the longer turn time fit well with my schedule. No worries though, go on and have fun w/o me!
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