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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. It's best honestly to close em all, call it the rest of the school year. Schooling can always be supplemented.
  2. Yeah it's called clickbait lol.
  3. Here in Toronto people are being pretty fuckin good about social distancing and staying home. Just did my once a week tops grocery trip and I was honestly thoroughly impressed with the way people were behaving; nodding to each other to let pass by, waiting for their turn just to enter an aisle at the store, keeping a literal 6+ foot distance while standing in line. There are security guards in all the grocery stores and even one at the front of the drug store (Shoppers Drug Mart) with a manual counter, keeping track of people in/out, and only allowing so many in at once. Really commendable effort from what I've seen, and a testament to why I love living here.
  4. Thanks for the info @Scrobins! Like you say, better resolved in private I think, and certainly a prolonged conversation here can be somewhat derailing. I'd encourage people to halt the conversation on it here and take it elsewhere, so this thread can continue on with its original purpose. I believe we all have roughly enough info here to have a personal opinion, and digging deeper should be done privately. If your purchase on Kickstarter or otherwise is influenced by the outcome of this, I'd say to contact the parties involved rather than publicly here, as we don't want to get into needless name calling which and the like, hasn't happened yet and I believe we can avoid.
  5. Do you mean like, does it have voices? The characters do all have unique voices, but speak like The Sims.
  6. Contracts don't have to be scary worrisome things, seriously. Consider a marriage contract, for instance. A contract is simply a statement of how each individual is going to be considered in the future when making decisions of any kind. Contract writing/signing time is your time to say "Actually I'd like to own the IP myself, and let you sell the game as part of your KS but not beyond that" and then if the other party disagrees you have that conversation. You know, BEFORE everybody has done a bunch of work on the thing, or even as is the case here, the work is done and has already been sold to people. There's nothing at all wrong with a contract, and if you ever present someone with the idea of drafting a contract together and they get antsy about it, that is your first RED FLAG! Seriously the stories of people being fucked in one way or another because of no signed contract, where they have no recourse at all, are plentiful. Do yourself AND your partner(s) a favor and always do a contract.
  7. Honestly the main takeaway here is that y'all should be writing up contracts with terms of ownership etc. when doing projects like this. He said she said is never a fun game, especially years after the fact.
  8. Very cool, I may have to pick that up!
  9. Thanks for giving your side @thesubcon3. I've personally seen the toxicity that does exist within the community and it honestly baffles me. How the goal for people can't simply be "support new NES games" is just childish IMO, but that's a bit of another story really. Really appreciate your thoroughness here.
  10. I'm betting on Skinny for 1st this go; I'm too busy.
  11. I'd be curious to hear from the creator if they can speak to this themselves? I appreciate you bringing this up, but without full context it's hard to pick a side. Like we don't know if they had a contract (verbal or otherwise) which stated ownership of the asset(s) involved, whether anything could/should happen in future, etc.. You and I for instance agreed that the one run of ShmupSpeed would be all that ever happens, and I'd never ever go back on that for any reason - what was printed is all that will ever BE printed, it was for charity that year and that is that. I dunno what the relationship they have/had is so would be interested in hearing from a first-party account on this one, out of curiosity. Not to discount your word by any stretch, like I say, I appreciate you letting us know!
  12. Every time someone brings up NA I pop over to see if anyone has posted and uh... Wow. Some uh... interesting developments over there.
  13. My wife hasn't stopped playing Animal Crossing since it launched.
  14. Happily the government here thus far has made it clear that they are quite pro individual rights and freedoms. They don't want to have to take away anything if they don't have to, but they've not taken anything off the table. For now they are simply heavily urging us to stay indoors. That's at the federal levels. At the provincial level, some places (Saskatchewan as of today) HAVE gone into pretty emergency protocols. The address from the PM this morning implied that they'll do everything they can to support the Canadian people and businesses (especially small business).
  15. Lol this is gonna be the world's most boring thread from an outsider perspective.
  16. I mean yeah I could help if needed, and if I can find the time.
  17. Spouse will die in the follow-up. "Oh no my loving husband has died! Since this was his last wish I would like to buy this anyway, if you will kindly accept."
  18. Caladrius Blaze is a really fun shoot-em-up that was only released in Asia. Menus are in English (mostly) so it's easy to navigate.
  19. I don't recall, but I can guarantee I won't be doing near as well as last time.
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