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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Not quite free, but: Link: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/904/Blue_Isle_Catalog/
  2. The Epic Games store continues to give away free games on a weekly basis. Here's this week:
  3. So far I'm doing a solid job in my "no Lent for Lent" initiative.
  4. Like, I get it and everything, but goddamn are Switch CEs a mess or what? SO many box styles.
  5. Starting March 24th SRG is going to be having a sale to get rid of some extra stock they stumbled upon, including un-numbered copies of The Messenger on Switch (500 of those) among other things. https://specialreservegames.com/
  6. Fortunately for me my whole life is online and I always work from home anyway, so not a whole lot has changed aside from some stuff not being in stock at stores. I have a bidet so you can bet this butt is always sparkling clean, so TP outages don't bug me. No kids, just a wife and a rabbit. I might stock up on some more litter for the bun. I work in advertising as a web developer, so my job is pretty safe overall (fingers crossed). It rally comes down to how our clients react and whether they're prepared for something like this. I expect spending to go down on that front so despite relative job security I've made a point to tell my wife that we need to start saving more money and being a bit more frugal to weather the storm (I say just after buying a snes game this morning).
  7. I didn't know it existed until now but I hereby desire it.
  8. Damn it the SNES is so good.
  9. Moved. As to the question, it's a tough one. I wanna say EVO Search for Eden, but Link to the Past is right up there too.
  10. Found a little time for a break and played a quick round. I'll reiterate that I'm pretty garbage at puzzle games, and especially Tetris-like games I am not a fan of. Might not participate all that much this week. Score: 12,950
  11. Here in Canada it's been declared that groceries are an essential, so they're going to all stay open. Bars and restaurants and other gathering places have been told they have to shut down. As an aside, I've only had my toes in the stock market (I use Wealthsimple) for around 2 years now, and mostly it's been all up with lots of gains/returns. Seeing my portfolio suddenly $2k in the hole is admittedly a bit scary, but I'm going to do as suggested and stick it out rather than panic exit.
  12. All of the Charms have been set up and handed out. If I fucked anything up lemme know.
  13. I'd say it's postponed or delayed some problems, not outright solved any.
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