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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Nah I hope it sell for like 600k and the dude who owns it gets significantly less than his arrogant ass expected.
  2. Don't these all go to live auction after this initial bidding, with these numbers just being the starting point or something like that? Part of why I've not even bothered at all with these auctions is that the whole process seemed convoluted.
  3. I take it you're aware then that we're just about to start a round of Werewolf?
  4. Just mail em to me, I'll see that they get some lovin'.
  5. I remember really liking the Spec Ops games on PS1. Have you played them recently?
  6. I'm gonna be a bit of a Repetitive Ronald here and say not to worry about trophies TOO hard. In fact I'd suggest that once you're looking at a guide, maybe take a step back. It's honestly not worth it, it seriously almost ended gaming for me.
  7. I've tried just about every style and have managed to fuck em all, though some of em I bought used, so they may have already been buggy.
  8. Platinums are unlocked by obtaining all the other trophies on a game, yeah. Some games can heat up certain console variations, and I got unlucky. I was a pretty addicted trophy hunter for a long time, so was using my PS3 daily, often upwards of 4-8 hours plus.
  9. Absolutely yes. Get the collection, it has both PS2 games on it: If you like those, you'll probably also enjoy the PSP games which are ALSO available in a collection: I'd definitely suggest ALL of these before GoW3, which was originally released on PS3.
  10. I won some money betting people that he'd get elected in 2016 and I'm considering making the same bet again. The whole election system is just... ridiculous.
  11. Y'all over here worried about a flu when there's an asteroid coming to fuck us up in late April. Smh.
  12. Basically yeah, if I recall. Been a while.
  13. @Reed Rothchild I actually recall enjoying X-2 for a while; I liked the Dress Sphere system cuz it reminded me of FF3.
  14. What, it's not your life-long dream to step into the shoes of an Asian teenage girl trio? Come oooonnnn.
  15. Does vga have grading guidelines that would make it clear if you do a claim that they wouldn't grade this game so high? Like if they have it written down somewhere official that cuts/tears take it down to a specific score, then you may be able to say that upon receiving the item it didn't match the grade.
  16. Do vga take pictures or otherwise document on their side the quality of the games submitted to them? I wonder if you might get anywhere contacting them?
  17. I bought a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure that was sealed, but damaged when submitted to Wata for grading (it didn't fit into the SNES case they make, too thick). Apparently they tore the seal a bit when trying to get it in. Maybe something similar, VGA puts the game in the case, damages the game along the way themselves (post-grade), and doesn't realize before sending it back?
  18. If people can swap out games and it be not obvious, that'd be a huge flaw in the grading service.
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