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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Just got to the credits on Pokemon Sword, but apparently there's more afterwards so I'm carrying on with that.
  2. They provided no way to do so. I simply explained who I was and what my intentions were.
  3. Yes, the process includes some very simple soldering. Remove existing solder > Remove battery > Place new battery > Place new solder
  4. I do it, but no point sending em to me cuz canada. That said, honest truth, it's incredibly easy - I might suggest doing it yourself.
  5. Not Nintendo, but OG PS3s had the ability to boot linux built-in; later versions of the console had the feature removed, and they released firmware which removed it from the OG consoles as well. There are of course ways to get it back, and plenty of people who stopped updating their PS3s when that firmware was released. Sometimes the original release has pretty cool features that are lacking in newer revisions. Lots of people prefer the earlier versions of the PlayStation Vita as well, for the superior screen.
  6. I'm flattered you think my games would grade so highly.
  7. I typically will do 007 TWINE each year since it's fun and I can do it in a sitting, maybe you can have some fun with that if you're looking for a game to do.
  8. I'm on a Runescape & Relax bender, so don't expect much from me this week.
  9. As I say, this is just a nice added feature. Nobody messaged me asking to be able to ignore the politics thread or anything like that, I just felt like working on the site and it was on my todo list of things to add. If you wanna filter out politics specifically that's cool. Truth be told, the original inspiration according to my notes was someone said they wanted to only see the Homebrew section of the site because they don't care about people collecting games and how much they sell for.
  10. I'll be going over the site with a fine-toothed comb with some other folks to improve the UX a bit and make it more our own, and that's good feedback on that front; noted!
  11. Yeah I'll probably make the button less ginormous, as-is was just the sorta default, fastest way to get it done. It wasn't just the politics thread which prompted this, but as for making it a club, I believe that was already discussed by the staff and decided against.
  12. Customizing the way you view the forum as an individual has always been important to me (I literally make my own personal Google Chrome extensions for most of the sites I frequent to customize how they look and behave). With that spirit in mind, we're continuing to add features to let you choose what you can see and how you see it, and today that comes in the form of the ability to just straight up ignore stuff. I'm gonna... switch around the buttons. Looks kinda odd having them in different order for forum vs threads. Anywho, if you go into a forum, you should now see a nice big red button which lets you ignore the ENTIRE FORUM. This will make it so ANY threads within this forum will NO LONGER SHOW UP for you in your activity feed, in your searches, or even AT ALL while browsing the forum. It'll be wholesale GONE for you. Same with Topics/threads. Are you a homebrewer that really only cares about that section of the site and NOTHING ELSE!?!? Well, I'm kinda sad about it, but hey feel free to ignore every other section of the site and BOOM - now you'll only ever see stuff you're actually interested in. Same w/ the collectors and the players - really customize to your liking. Sick of seeing political posts? Ignore em! OH NO! I accidentally Ignored a forum/thread and now it's GONE! How do I get it back!?!? Simple! Head over to your Account Settings, and you will see options for the topics and forums that you've ignored: As you can see above, I am ignoring Suggestions & Feedback. Typical! Luckily, I can click on the "Stop Ignoring" button to see all your lovely comments about the site not working or whatever. Great. One caveat - You are not able to Ignore the Announcements section of the site. It's important that we be able to communicate with you all when the need arises, so no ignoring that, ok? (Also, the Staff can't ignore the Staff section! Get back to work!) I hope this helps you to keep using the site in a way that suits your needs! Thanks again for your continued support!
  13. I have zero information about any of this, I'm only really interested in making sure we have a civil discourse, so all I can say is that there's a difference IMO in being misinformed and "having racist ideas in your head". I simply think you could have been more tactful; I don't believe that racism is the root or intention here. I don't know if he's misinformed, but at least from my discussion (which each of you here, really) I can say that you're all at least pretty reasonable. So let's stick to "I believe you're misinformed" rather than jumping to the racism bullet, eh? It's just too fragile a subject, people can easily misinterpret each others' wording, and we don't want fights here (it's unnecessary). So yeah, just be reasonable and consider assuming the best of each other, even when you disagree. We can agree on that at least?
  14. IMO the ability to kill animals should be a pre-requisite for being allowed to eat meat. Not able to kill a chicken? Consider it off your menu.
  15. If you're gonna say someone's being racist let's at least elaborate on specifically what we have a problem with. Further, generally, just don't. This is for discussing stuff of a political nature, if you can't handle that then don't join in the conversation. Don't resort to calling people racist, rather specify what you think it is they said is racist. Being all vague and attack-y is just looking to start an unnecessary argument over nothing.
  16. I'm not arguing with you as I have zero interest in doing so, nor any data or anything whatsoever. Just wanted to pop in to say that "... illegals commit less crimes..." is a really funny statement to read.
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