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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Sanders had more going for him than "FiRsT wOmAn PrEsIdEnT!!!"
  2. I'll be totally honest man, I just give a quick glance and trust that people are telling the truth when they say "this is everything".
  3. All the games "in your region". If you're in PAL or JP region then it's THAT region that counts for you. As for stuff like MACS, I dunno... should it? What do you think?
  4. The contest guys were calling it easy last year, maybe one of them can pop in and squeeze it out.
  5. 1... 2...3... 36... 72... Yup, looks full to me. Added! Grats on being the VERY FIRST PERSON WITH A FULL SET AWARD!
  6. Added! Request it in the signup thread if you have the set.
  7. Debate and discussion are encouraged here, but being hateful and attacking others is not. We'd be perfectly welcoming of a discussion of the use of the word "tranny" in an old game, and the merits or otherwise of keeping said word in-tact in a translation 30 or so years later (a'la Huckleberry Finn, indeed), IF everyone could be adults about it. Disappointingly that is not the case. So moving on. Also a friendly reminder from the staff that there are report buttons at the top of every post. Please do use them if you personally feel that things are getting out of hand. I originally only popped in here because I HAPPEN to use the non condensed version of the Activity feed and saw "Tranny" and was like "Goemon... tranny? Something doesn't compute...". Use the report button if you're legit offended, otherwise you're just telling the person that offended you that you're offended, and trust me that person doesn't give a damn.
  8. It's not something that the current system can handle, so no. That said, there's some big mystery update coming to the awards system that I'm keeping an eye on, hopefully it adds more features. Disclaimer for any who are not generally aware: The site awards are a plugin on the community software. Honestly I don't do a whole lot of coding on the site, mostly moving stuff around and implementing plugins. I went with this specific forum software to make it so that if I ever decide to dip out, the community isn't fucked cuz I was the only one who knew how it worked. As it stands I'm the expert with regard to how the site works, and I do most of the work on it, but I'm not Dain - even if I leave the staff will still be equipped to improve the site as they see fit. This DOES mean that our hands are sooooomewhat tied on a few things, but honestly I think you'll find it's mostly little things like this specific site awards thing where it's more a nice to have, rather than like "God I wish the site was actually secure".
  9. One thing we CAN do right now is to give out a Bauble based on "Days Registered", if that's something you all would be interested in. In essence it'd do almost the same thing. We could have a new one awarded to you for every year you've been a member, and over time the oldest members would have the highest number award. This would happen automatically, AND would be something that everyone can benefit from. It'd still get across that "I was there at the beginning" feel, just would take a little longer to come into effect.
  10. FYI we've added a few more consoles to the available fullset charms, we now have the following available: NES SNES N64 Genesis PS1 If you have a full set and want a Charm, but it's not available, let me know and we'll get one made up for ya.
  11. Scheduled maintenance tonight at 9pm. Typical forum software updates/bug fixes. Shouldn't be down more than 5 minutes.
  12. Once I have a pre-order in for an NT Mini I'll sell it. If you wanna buy ill hook you up.
  13. Yeah I've found emulation to be not great. Ended up buying an everdrive last week and it's great so far. If nothing else it let's me try out games I've never played before, and potentially even find some new games to add to the collection that I never considered before.
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